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ossp - Check-in [3038]
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Check-in Number: 3038
Date: 2002-Dec-23 13:00:07 (local)
2002-Dec-23 12:00:07 (UTC)
Comment: more documentation
ossp-pkg/shiela/shiela-install.pod      1.15 -> 1.16     70 inserted, 14 deleted

ossp-pkg/shiela/shiela-install.pod 1.15 -> 1.16

--- shiela-install.pod   2002/12/23 09:13:41     1.15
+++ shiela-install.pod   2002/12/23 12:00:07     1.16
@@ -77,19 +77,19 @@
 add to C<$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/importinfo> (the hook for checking import
 operations): ``C<ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/shiela --hook=importinfo>''. This
-assumes that you are using the OSSP CVS version. If you use a stock CVS
-version, you have to skip this step and live with the fact that `C<cvs
-import>' commands cannot be access controlled by B<OSSP shiela> (because then
-this hook does not exists at all).
+assumes that you are using a CVS version with RSE patches applied. If
+you use a stock CVS version, you have to skip this step and live with
+the fact that `C<cvs import>' commands cannot be access controlled by
+B<OSSP shiela> (because then this hook does not exists at all).
 =item B<6.>
 add to C<$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/admininfo> (the hook for checking admin
 operations): ``C<ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/shiela --hook=admininfo>''. This
-requires that you are using the OSSP CVS version. If you use a stock CVS
-version, you have to skip this step and life with the fact that `C<cvs
-admin>' commands cannot be access controlled by B<OSSP shiela> (because then
-this hook does not exists at all).
+requires that you are using a CVS version with RSE patches applied. If
+you use a stock CVS version, you have to skip this step and life with
+the fact that `C<cvs admin>' commands cannot be access controlled by
+B<OSSP shiela> (because then this hook does not exists at all).
 =item B<7.>
@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@
 add to C<$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/loginfo> (the hook for performing logging):
 ``C<ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/shiela --hook=loginfo %{sVvto}>''. This
-requires that you use the OSSP CVS version. If you use a stock CVS
-version, use ``C<ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/shiela --hook=loginfo %{sVv}>''
-instead and live with the fact that B<OSSP shiela>'s run-time efficiency is
-slightly decreased and branch recognition might be less correct (because
-B<OSSP shiela> has to determine details the hard way which CVS already would
-know easily).
+requires that you use a CVS version with RSE patches applied. If you use
+a stock CVS version, use ``C<ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/shiela --hook=loginfo
+%{sVv}>'' instead and live with the fact that B<OSSP shiela>'s run-time
+efficiency is slightly decreased and branch recognition might be less
+correct (because B<OSSP shiela> has to determine details the hard way
+which CVS already would know easily).
 =item B<10.>
@@ -138,6 +138,62 @@
 CVS repository to C</tmp/cvs>. Additionally one can specify C<batch=yes>
 which runs B<shiela-install> non-interactively.
+The administrative files in C<$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/> are consulted by CVS
+internally in dependency of the used F<cvs> command. For your reference,
+here are the processing steps CVS performs and into which B<OSSP shiela>
+hooks into:
+=over 1
+=item On "C<cvs checkout>":
+ 1. CVSROOT/config       (general configuration)
+ 2. CVSROOT/modules      (determine module names)
+ 3. CVSROOT/cvswrappers  (file handling)
+ 4. CVSROOT/history      (logging of the commit step)
+=item On "C<cvs commit>":
+ 1. CVSROOT/config       (general configuration)
+ 2. CVSROOT/modules      (determine module names)
+ 3. CVSROOT/commitinfo   (access control)
+ 4. CVSROOT/rcsinfo      (log message template)
+ 5. CVSROOT/editinfo     (run the log message editor)
+ 6. CVSROOT/verifymsg    (evaluate/adjust log message after editing)
+ 7. CVSROOT/cvswrappers  (file handling)
+ 8. CVSROOT/loginfo      (extra logging after commit)
+ 9. CVSROOT/history      (logging of the commit step)
+=item On "C<cvs import>":
+ 1. CVSROOT/config       (general configuration)
+ 2. CVSROOT/modules      (determine module names)
+ 3. CVSROOT/importinfo   (access control)
+ 4. CVSROOT/rcsinfo      (log message template)
+ 5. CVSROOT/editinfo     (run the log message editor)
+ 6. CVSROOT/verifymsg    (evaluate/adjust log message after editing)
+ 7. CVSROOT/cvswrappers  (file handling)
+ 8. CVSROOT/loginfo      (extra logging after commit)
+ 9. CVSROOT/history      (logging of the commit step)
+=item On "C<cvs tag>":
+ 1. CVSROOT/config       (general configuration)
+ 2. CVSROOT/modules      (determine module names)
+ 3. CVSROOT/taginfo      (access control and tag evaluation)
+ 4. CVSROOT/history      (logging of the tag step)
+=item On "C<cvs admin>":
+ 1. CVSROOT/config       (general configuration)
+ 2. CVSROOT/modules      (determine module names)
+ 3. CVSROOT/admininfo    (access control)
+ 4. CVSROOT/history      (logging of the admin step)
 =head1 SEE ALSO

CVSTrac 2.0.1