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ossp - Check-in [300]
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Check-in Number: 300
Date: 2001-Jan-18 16:31:30 (local)
2001-Jan-18 15:31:30 (UTC)
Comment: Add old RSE admin scripts
ossp-pkg/petidomo/petidomo-approve      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/petidomo/petidomo-kickout      added-> 1.1

ossp-pkg/petidomo/petidomo-approve -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Mon Apr 29 06:37:11 2024
--- -    Mon Apr 29 06:42:47 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,76 ----
+ :
+ eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+     if $running_under_some_shell;
+ ##
+ ##  petidomo-approve -- Petidomo approval tool
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2000 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> 
+ ##
+ #   locate the file with the approval passwords
+ my $config = "$ENV{HOME}/.petidomo";
+ #   locate the Sendmail program
+ my $sendmail = "sendmail";
+ foreach my $dir (split(/:/, "$ENV{PATH}:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/lib:/usr/lib")) {
+     if (-x "$dir/sendmail") {
+         $sendmail = "$dir/sendmail";
+         last;
+     }
+ }
+ #   suck in the whole mail
+ my $mail = '';
+ $mail .= $_ while (<STDIN>);
+ #   dispatch over the two mail types which need approval...
+ if ($mail =~ m|^Subject:\s+Petidomo:\s+APPROVE\s+(\S+):|mi) {
+     #   approve a request
+     my $list = $1;
+     my $replyto = 'petidomo';
+     $replyto = $1 if ($mail =~ m|^Reply-to:\s+(\S+)|mi);
+     my $password = 'petidomo';
+     open(FP, "<$config");
+     while (<FP>) {
+         next if (m|^\s*#.*| or m|^\s*$|);
+         $password = $1 if (m|^\s*(?:$list)\s+(\S+)|);
+     }
+     close(FP);
+     $mail =~ s|^.+?\n(password\s+<AdminPassword>.+?)\n\n.*|$1|s;
+     $mail =~ s|<AdminPassword>|$password|s;
+     open(SM, "|$sendmail $replyto") || die "cannot spawn $sendmail";
+     print SM "To: $replyto\n\n";
+     print SM $mail;
+     close(SM);
+     print STDERR "petidomo-approve: sent approved mail back to $replyto\n";
+     sleep(1);
+     exit(0);
+ }
+ elsif ($mail =~ m|^Subject:\s+Petidomo:\s+BOUNCE|mi) {
+     #   approve a posting
+     my $list = 'petidomo';
+     $list = $1 if ($mail =~ m|^Subject:\s+Petidomo:\s+BOUNCE\s+(\S+):|m);
+     my $replyto = $list;
+     my $password = 'petidomo';
+     open(FP, "<$config");
+     while (<FP>) {
+         next if (m|^\s*#.*| or m|^\s*$|);
+         $password = $1 if (m|^\s*(?:$list)\s+(\S+)|);
+     }
+     close(FP);
+     $mail =~ s|^.+?\n\n||s;
+     $mail =~ s|^.+?\n>?From .+?\n||s;
+     $mail = "Approved: $password\n" . $mail; # best
+     #$mail =~ s|^(.+?\n\n)(.*)$|$1Approved $password\n$2|s; # not good
+     open(SM, "|$sendmail $replyto") || die "cannot spawn $sendmail";
+     print SM $mail;
+     close(SM);
+     print STDERR "petidomo-approve: sent approved mail back to $replyto\n";
+     sleep(1);
+     exit(0);
+ }
+ else {
+     print STDERR "petidomo-approve: unrecognized mail type\n";
+     sleep(1);
+     exit(1);
+ }

ossp-pkg/petidomo/petidomo-kickout -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Mon Apr 29 06:37:11 2024
--- -    Mon Apr 29 06:42:47 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,75 ----
+ :
+ eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+     if $running_under_some_shell;
+ ##
+ ##  petidomo-kickout -- Petidomo kickout tool
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2000 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> 
+ ##
+ my $pattern = $ARGV[0] || die "Usage: petidomo-kickout <address-pattern>";
+ #   locate the file with the approval passwords
+ my $config = "$ENV{HOME}/.petidomo";
+ #   locate the Sendmail program
+ my $sendmail = "sendmail";
+ foreach my $dir (split(/:/, "$ENV{PATH}:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/lib:/usr/lib")) {
+     if (-x "$dir/sendmail") {
+         $sendmail = "$dir/sendmail";
+         last;
+     }
+ }
+ #   locate the Petidomo basedir
+ my $basedir = `petidomo --version 2>&1`;
+ $basedir =~ s|^.+\((\S+)\).*$|$1|s;
+ #   read config 
+ my $list = {};
+ open(FP, "<$config") || die "No ~/.petidomo file found";
+ while (<FP>) {
+     next if (m|^\s*#.*| or m|^\s*$|);
+     if (m|^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)|) {
+         my ($l, $pw) = ($1, $2);
+         $l =~ s|@[^@]+$||;
+         if (-f "$basedir/$l.list") {
+             $list->{$l} = {};
+             $list->{$l}->{PASSWORD} = $pw;
+             $list->{$l}->{MEMBERS} = [];
+             open(LST, "<$basedir/$l.list");
+             while (<LST>) {
+                 s|\n$||s;
+                 push(@{$list->{$l}->{MEMBERS}}, $_);
+             }
+             close(LST);
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ close(FP);
+ #   iterate over all mailing lists
+ foreach my $l (keys(%{$list})) {
+     foreach my $m (@{$list->{$l}->{MEMBERS}}) {
+         if ($m =~ m|$pattern|) {
+             print "petidomo-kickout: $l: <$m> Kickout? [Y/n] ";
+             my $yn = <STDIN>;
+             $yn =~ s|\n$||s;
+             $yn = "y" if ($yn eq '');
+             $yn = lc($yn);
+             if ($yn eq 'y') {
+                 open(SM, "|$sendmail petidomo") || die "cannot spawn $sendmail";
+                 print SM "To: petidomo\n" .
+                          "\n" .
+                          "password ".$list->{$l}->{PASSWORD}."\n" .
+                          "unsubscribe $l $m\n";
+                          "password ".$list->{petidomo}->{PASSWORD}."\n" .
+                          "subscribe bounces $m\n";
+                 close(SM);
+                 print "petidomo-kickout: kicked out <$m>\n";
+             }
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ exit(0);

CVSTrac 2.0.1