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ossp - Check-in [2273]
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Check-in Number: 2273
Date: 2002-Jul-10 21:03:58 (local)
2002-Jul-10 19:03:58 (UTC)
Comment: Correct and generally improve mixing of sections and parsing the labels.
ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c      1.12 -> 1.13     17 inserted, 2 deleted
ossp-pkg/rc/rc_script.c      1.6 -> 1.7     16 inserted, 18 deleted

ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c 1.12 -> 1.13

--- rc_proc.c    2002/07/05 12:54:56     1.12
+++ rc_proc.c    2002/07/10 19:03:58     1.13
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@
+    /* Stick on the starting shell id line */
+    scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScript, "#! /bin/sh\n", strlen("#! /bin/sh\n"));
     /* Read the func file if it was opened successfully */
     /* We unfortunately make the assumption that 0 is an invalid filedesc */
     if (nFdfunc) {
@@ -101,6 +104,7 @@
         while ((nRet = read(nFdfunc, sBuf, RC_READ_BUFSIZE)) > 0) {
             scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScript, sBuf, nRet);
+        scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScript, "\n", sizeof(char));
         if (nRet == -1) /* Handle read errors */
@@ -129,18 +133,29 @@
         try {
+            /* Append config section if it exists */
+            szSec = scriptSection(pTempscript, configGetval(RC_NCF_VAL));
+            if (szSec) { /* Only operate if the section lookup succeeds */
+                scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScript, szSec, strlen(szSec));
+                scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScript, "\n", sizeof(char));
+                free(szSec);    /* Cleanup */
+                szSec = NULL;   /* Cleanup */
+            }
             for (i = 0; pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszSecs[i]; i++) { /* Iterate over */
                 /* Extract a section from the temp script, and append it */
                 szSec = scriptSection(pTempscript, pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszSecs[i]);
-                if (szSec) /* Only call append if the section lookup succeeds */
+                if (szSec) { /* Only call if the section lookup succeeds */
                     scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScript, szSec, strlen(szSec));
+                    scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScript, "\n", sizeof(char));
+                }
                 else if (configGetval(RC_DBG_VAL)) /* Only show if debug set */
                     fprintf(stderr, "#Warning: Missing section '%s' in %s!\n",\
-                if (szSec) { /* Cleanup section string */
+                if (szSec) { /* Cleanup iterative section string */
                     szSec = NULL;

ossp-pkg/rc/rc_script.c 1.6 -> 1.7

--- rc_script.c  2002/07/05 12:54:56     1.6
+++ rc_script.c  2002/07/10 19:03:58     1.7
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@
     char *szTempout    = NULL;
     char *piLabstart   = NULL;
-    char *piLabend     = NULL;
+    int   nLabsize     = NULL;
+    char *piBlocend    = NULL; /* Misnomer used to control section looping */
     char *piStart      = NULL;
     char *piEnd        = NULL;
     int nOffset        = 0;
@@ -112,8 +113,9 @@
     int nVecsize       = 0;
     int nSubstrings    = 0;
     int *pnVec         = NULL;
-    const int kiRegopt = 0;
     const char *kszErr = NULL;
+    const int kiRegopt = PCRE_DOTALL | PCRE_MULTILINE;
+/*    const int kiRegopt = PCRE_DOTALL | PCRE_MULTILINE | PCRE_UNGREEDY;*/
     pcre *pRegex       = NULL;  /* Perl Compatible Regular Expression */
     pcre_extra *pExtra = NULL;  /* Used for studying an expression    */
@@ -121,8 +123,8 @@
     assert(pScript);            /* Check for a valid incoming script  */
-    if (!kszSecname)    /* If we get a NULL section label, give a NULL result */
-        return (NULL);  /* This might be useful in some loop constructs */
+    if (!kszSecname)    /* If we get a NULL section label, then throw up */
+        RC_THROW(RC_ERR_USE);
     if ((pRegex = pcre_compile(configGetval(RC_DEF_VAL), kiRegopt, &kszErr, &nOffset, NULL)) == NULL) {
@@ -140,36 +142,32 @@
     /* Use multiples of six, because PCRE needs 2x multiples of three */
     nVecsize = 6 * (nSubstrings > 0 ? nSubstrings : 1);
     nVecsize *= RC_GOOD_MEASURE; /* Add redundancy factor for error margin */
+/*    pAwesome += RC_GOOD_VIBRATIONS;*/ /* Add good vibes for super action */
     /* Filter the rc file for the section label, do it here the first time */
     pnVec = calloc(nVecsize, sizeof(int));  /* 2/3 vec 1/3 scrapinfo */
     nFound = pcre_exec(pRegex, pExtra, *pScript,\
         strlen(*pScript), 0, 0, pnVec, nVecsize);
-    piLabend = *pScript;    /* Start piLabstart pointing to the script object */
+    piBlocend = *pScript;   /* Start piBlocend pointing to the script object */
     while (nFound > 1) {    /* Loop as long as we have more sections */
-        piLabstart = piLabend + *(pnVec + 2 * RC_SEC_SUB);  /* Seclabel start */
-        piLabend += *(pnVec + 1);   /* Find end of section label */
+        piLabstart = piBlocend + *(pnVec + 2);
+        nLabsize   = *(pnVec + 3) - *(pnVec + 2);
         /* Test the substring. If it matches our label, generate a subscript */
-        if (!strncmp(piLabstart , kszSecname, sizeof(kszSecname))) {
-            piStart = strstr(piLabend, "\n") + sizeof(char); /* Wrap to start */
-            /* See if more sections follow or if this is the last one */
-            if (pcre_exec(pRegex, pExtra, piLabend, strlen(*pScript), 0, 0, pnVec, nVecsize) > 0)
-                piEnd = piLabend + *pnVec;
-            else /* Doch, last section in file */
-                piEnd = piLabend + strlen(*pScript);
+        if (!strncmp(piLabstart, kszSecname, nLabsize)) {
+            piStart   = piBlocend + *(pnVec + 4);
+            piEnd     = piBlocend + *(pnVec + 5);
             szTempout = malloc(piEnd - piStart + sizeof(char));
             strncpy(szTempout, piStart, piEnd - piStart);
             *(szTempout + (piEnd - piStart)) = NULL;    /* Terminate outgoing */
             return(szTempout);  /* Section found, so return the text */
+        piBlocend += *(pnVec + 1);  /* Find end of section block */
         /* Get ready for the next round of matching */
-        nFound = pcre_exec(pRegex, pExtra, piLabend,\
-            strlen(piLabend), 0, 0, pnVec, nVecsize);
+        nFound = pcre_exec(pRegex, pExtra, piBlocend,\
+            strlen(piBlocend), 0, 0, pnVec, nVecsize);
     /* Under correct conditions, the section subscript was returned in loop */

CVSTrac 2.0.1