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ossp - Check-in [2145]
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Check-in Number: 2145
Date: 2002-May-22 11:47:27 (local)
2002-May-22 09:47:27 (UTC)
Comment: Architecture in main program body should reflect the design.
ossp-pkg/rc/rc.c      1.25 -> 1.26     37 inserted, 15 deleted

ossp-pkg/rc/rc.c 1.25 -> 1.26

--- rc.c 2002/05/13 16:57:00     1.25
+++ rc.c 2002/05/22 09:47:27     1.26
@@ -41,26 +41,18 @@
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     ex_t Except;
-    rc_proc_t *pProc = NULL;
+    rc_anal_t *pAnal = NULL;    /* Holds preprocessed configuration */
-    ex_try {
+    ex_try { /* Configuration and abstract analysis block */
         configNew();            /* Construct a new configuration              */
         configLoad(argc, argv); /* Read configuration from cli, env, and conf */
         configDebug();          /* FIXME Remove FIXME */
         configVerify();         /* Test for usage, help, and version options  */
-        pProc = procNew();
-        procReadtmp(pProc, configGetval(RC_TMP_VAL));
-/*        procReadfuncs(pProc, configGetval(RC_FNC_VAL));
-        procReadrc(pProc, configGetrcfile());
-        for (i = 0; i < clioptGetseclen; procSection(pProc, configGetsec(i++)));
-        procParse(pProc);         /- Script generation               -/
-        procRun(pProc);*/         /* [Execute|Evaluate|Print] script */
-        procDelete(pProc);
-        configDelete();
+        pAnal = analNew();      /* Construct a new analyzer                   */
+        analParse(pAnal);       /* Preprocess the analyzed configuration      */
-    ex_catch(Except) {
+    ex_catch(Except) { /* Exceptions thrown during configuration and analysis */
         if ((rc_return_t)Except.ex_value == RC_ERR_USE) {
@@ -68,8 +60,38 @@
             fprintf(stderr, "Class '%s' threw exception %d in %s:%s():%d.\n",\
                    (char *)Except.ex_class, (int)Except.ex_value,\
                    Except.ex_file, Except.ex_func, Except.ex_line);
-        exit(1);        /* Failure */
+        exit(1);                /* Report failure and exit the program        */
+    }
+    ex_try { /* Main script building and processing block */
+        rc_script_t *pScript = NULL;
+        rc_proc_t *pProc     = NULL;
+        pScript = scriptNew(pAnal); /* Construct a new script           */
+        scriptBuild(pScript);
+        pProc = procNew(pScript);   /* Construct a new processor        */
+        procRun(pProc);             /* [Execute|Evaluate|Print] script  */
+        procDelete(pProc);          /* Destroy the processor            */
+        scriptDelete(pScript);      /* Destroy the script               */
+    }
+    ex_catch(Except) {  /* Exceptions thrown during script processing   */
+        fprintf(stderr, "Class '%s' threw exception %d in %s:%s():%d.\n",\
+               (char *)Except.ex_class, (int)Except.ex_value,\
+               Except.ex_file, Except.ex_func, Except.ex_line);
+        exit(1);        /* Return failure */
+    }
+    ex_try { /* Start shutdown of main program */
+        analDelete(pAnal);          /* Destroy the analyzer             */
+        configDelete();             /* Destroy the configuration        */
+    }
+    ex_catch(Except) { /* Exceptions thrown during program shutdown     */
+        fprintf(stderr, "Class '%s' threw exception %d in %s:%s():%d.\n",\
+               (char *)Except.ex_class, (int)Except.ex_value,\
+               Except.ex_file, Except.ex_func, Except.ex_line);
+        exit(1);    /* Return failure */
-    exit(0);            /* Success */
+    exit(0);        /* Return success */

CVSTrac 2.0.1