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ossp - Check-in [195]
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Check-in Number: 195
Date: 2000-Dec-12 14:19:10 (local)
2000-Dec-12 13:19:10 (UTC)
Comment: Initial revision
ossp-pkg/petidomo/libargv/argv.c      added-> 1.1

ossp-pkg/petidomo/libargv/argv.c -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Tue Feb 18 23:11:13 2025
--- -    Tue Feb 18 23:11:32 2025
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2475 ----
+ /*
+  * Generic argv processor...
+  *
+  * Copyright 1995 by Gray Watson
+  *
+  * This file is part of the argv library.
+  *
+  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
+  * any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
+  * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
+  * copies, and that the name of Gray Watson not be used in advertising
+  * or publicity pertaining to distribution of the document or software
+  * without specific, written prior permission.
+  *
+  * Gray Watson makes no representations about the suitability of the
+  * software described herein for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+  * without express or implied warranty.
+  *
+  * The author may be contacted at gray.watson@letters.com
+  *
+  * - Parse command line parameters conveniently.
+  *
+  */
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include "_argv.h"
+ /* internal routines */
+ LOCAL  void    do_list(argv_t *grid, const int argc, char **argv,
+                        char *okay_p);
+ /*
+  * exported variables
+  */
+ /* This is a processed version of argv[0], pre-path removed: /bin/ls -> ls */
+ EXPORT char    argv_program[PROGRAM_NAME + 1] = "Unknown";
+ /* A global value of argv from main after argv_process has been called */
+ EXPORT char    **argv_argv = NULL;
+ /* A global value of argc from main after argv_process has been called */
+ EXPORT int     argv_argc = 0;
+ /* This should be set externally to provide general program help to user */
+ EXPORT char    *argv_help_string = NULL;
+ /* This should be set externally to provide version information to the user */
+ EXPORT char    *argv_version_string = NULL;
+ /*
+  * Are we running interactively?  This will exit on errors.  Set to
+  * false to return error codes instead.
+  */
+ EXPORT char    argv_interactive = ARGV_TRUE;
+ /*
+  * The FILE stream that argv out_puts all its errors.  Set to NULL to
+  * not dump any error messages.  Default is stderr.
+  */
+ EXPORT FILE    *argv_error_stream = ERROR_STREAM_INIT;
+ /* local variables */
+ LOCAL_QUEUE_DECLARE(argv_t *);                 /* args waiting for values */
+ LOCAL  argv_t  empty[] = {{ ARGV_LAST }};      /* empty argument array */
+ LOCAL  char    enabled = ARGV_FALSE;           /* are the lights on? */
+ /* global settings */
+ LOCAL  int     global_close    = GLOBAL_CLOSE_ENABLE;  /* close processing */
+ LOCAL  int     global_env      = GLOBAL_ENV_BEFORE;    /* env processing */
+ LOCAL  int     global_error    = GLOBAL_ERROR_SEE;     /* error processing */
+ LOCAL  int     global_multi    = GLOBAL_MULTI_ACCEPT;  /* multi processing */
+ LOCAL  int     global_usage    = GLOBAL_USAGE_LONG;    /* usage processing */
+ /****************************** startup routine ******************************/
+ /*
+  * Turn on the lights.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    argv_startup(void)
+ {
+   if (enabled)
+     return;
+   enabled = ARGV_TRUE;
+   /* ANSI says we cannot predefine this above */
+   if (argv_error_stream == ERROR_STREAM_INIT)
+     argv_error_stream = stderr;
+ }
+ /***************************** general utilities *****************************/
+ /*
+  * Binary STR to integer translation
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     btoi(const char *str)
+ {
+   int          ret = 0;
+   /* strip off spaces */
+   for (; isspace((int)*str); str++);
+   for (; *str == '0' || *str == '1'; str++) {
+     ret *= 2;
+     ret += *str - '0';
+   }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Octal STR to integer translation
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     otoi(const char *str)
+ {
+   int          ret = 0;
+   /* strip off spaces */
+   for (; isspace((int)*str); str++);
+   for (; *str >= '0' && *str <= '7'; str++) {
+     ret *= 8;
+     ret += *str - '0';
+   }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Hexadecimal STR to integer translation
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     htoi(const char *str)
+ {
+   int          ret = 0;
+   /* strip off spaces */
+   for (; isspace((int)*str); str++);
+   /* skip a leading 0[xX] */
+   if (*str == '0' && (*(str + 1) == 'x' || *(str + 1) == 'X'))
+     str += 2;
+   for (; isdigit((int)*str) ||
+        (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'f') || (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'F');
+        str++) {
+     ret *= 16;
+     if (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'f')
+       ret += *str - 'a' + 10;
+     else if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'F')
+       ret += *str - 'A' + 10;
+     else
+       ret += *str - '0';
+   }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Basically a strdup for compatibility sake
+  */
+ LOCAL  char    *string_copy(const char *ptr)
+ {
+   const char   *ptr_p;
+   char         *ret, *ret_p;
+   int          len;
+   len = strlen(ptr);
+   ret = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
+   if (ret == NULL) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                    argv_program);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return NULL;
+   }
+   for (ptr_p = ptr, ret_p = ret; *ptr_p != NULLC;)
+     *ret_p++ = *ptr_p++;
+   *ret_p = NULLC;
+   return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Break STR and return an array of char * whose values are tokenized
+  * by TOK.  it passes back the number of tokens in TOKN.
+  *
+  * NOTE: the return value should be freed later and the STR should stay
+  * around until that time.
+  */
+ LOCAL  char    **vectorize(char *str, const char *tok, int *tokn)
+ {
+   char **vect_p;
+   char *tmp, *tok_p;
+   int  tok_c;
+   /* count the tokens */
+   tmp = string_copy(str);
+   if (tmp == NULL)
+     return NULL;
+   tok_p = strtok(tmp, tok);
+   for (tok_c = 0; tok_p != NULL; tok_c++)
+     tok_p = strtok(NULL, tok);
+   free(tmp);
+   *tokn = tok_c;
+   if (tok_c == 0)
+     return NULL;
+   /* allocate the pointer grid */
+   vect_p = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * tok_c);
+   if (vect_p == NULL) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                    argv_program);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return NULL;
+   }
+   /* load the tokens into the list */
+   vect_p[0] = strtok(str, tok);
+   for (tok_c = 1; tok_c < *tokn; tok_c++)
+     vect_p[tok_c] = strtok(NULL, tok);
+   return vect_p;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Display printable chars from BUF of SIZE, non-printables as \%03o
+  */
+ LOCAL  char    *expand_buf(const void *buf, const int size)
+ {
+   static char  out[DUMP_SPACE_BUF];
+   int          size_c;
+   void         *buf_p;
+   char         *out_p;
+   for (size_c = 0, out_p = out, buf_p = (void *)buf; size_c < size;
+        size_c++, buf_p = (char *)buf_p + 1) {
+     char       *spec_p;
+     /* handle special chars */
+     if (out_p + 2 >= out + sizeof(out))
+       break;
+     /* search for special characters */
+     for (spec_p = SPECIAL_CHARS + 1; *(spec_p - 1) != NULLC; spec_p += 2)
+       if (*spec_p == *(char *)buf_p)
+        break;
+     /* did we find one? */
+     if (*(spec_p - 1) != NULLC) {
+       if (out_p + 2 >= out + sizeof(out))
+        break;
+       (void)sprintf(out_p, "\\%c", *(spec_p - 1));
+       out_p += 2;
+       continue;
+     }
+     if (*(unsigned char *)buf_p < 128 && isprint((int)(*(char *)buf_p))) {
+       if (out_p + 1 >= out + sizeof(out))
+        break;
+       *out_p = *(char *)buf_p;
+       out_p += 1;
+     }
+     else {
+       if (out_p + 4 >= out + sizeof(out))
+        break;
+       (void)sprintf(out_p, "\\%03o", *(unsigned char *)buf_p);
+       out_p += 4;
+     }
+   }
+   *out_p = NULLC;
+   return out;
+ }
+ /****************************** usage routines *******************************/
+ /*
+  * Print a short-format usage message.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    usage_short(const argv_t *args, const int flag)
+ {
+   const argv_t *arg_p;
+   int          len, col_c = 0;
+   char         mark = ARGV_FALSE, *prefix;
+   if (argv_error_stream == NULL)
+     return;
+   /* print the usage message header */
+   (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s%s", USAGE_LABEL, argv_program);
+   col_c += USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH + strlen(argv_program);
+   /*
+    * print all of the boolean arguments first.
+    * NOTE: we assume they all fit on the line
+    */
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++) {
+     /* skip or-specifiers */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_OR
+        || arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_XOR)
+       continue;
+     /* skip non booleans */
+     if (HAS_ARG(arg_p->ar_type))
+       continue;
+     /* skip args with no short component */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == NULLC)
+       continue;
+     if (! mark) {
+       len = 2 + SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH;
+       prefix = " [";
+       /* we check for -2 here because we should have 1 arg and ] on line */
+       if (col_c + len > SCREEN_WIDTH - 2) {
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "\n%*.*s",
+                      (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, "");
+        col_c = USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH;
+        /* if we are the start of a line, skip any starting spaces */
+        if (*prefix == ' ') {
+          prefix++;
+          len--;
+        }
+       }
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s%s", prefix, SHORT_PREFIX);
+       col_c += len;
+       mark = ARGV_TRUE;
+     }
+     len = 1;
+     /* we check for -1 here because we should need ] */
+     if (col_c + len > SCREEN_WIDTH - 1) {
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "]\n%*.*s",
+                    (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, "");
+       col_c = USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH;
+       /* restart the short option list */
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "[%s", SHORT_PREFIX);
+       col_c += 1 + SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH;
+     }
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%c", arg_p->ar_short_arg);
+     col_c++;
+   }
+   if (mark) {
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "]");
+     col_c++;
+   }
+   /* print remaining (non-boolean) arguments */
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++) {
+     int                var_len;
+     char       *var_str, *postfix;
+     /* skip or-specifiers */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_OR
+        || arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_XOR)
+       continue;
+     /* skip booleans types */
+     if (! HAS_ARG(arg_p->ar_type))
+       continue;
+     if (arg_p->ar_var_label == NULL) {
+       if (ARGV_TYPE(arg_p->ar_type) == ARGV_BOOL_ARG) {
+        var_str = BOOL_ARG_LABEL;
+        var_len = BOOL_ARG_LENGTH;
+       }
+       else {
+        var_len = UNKNOWN_ARG_LENGTH;
+        var_str = UNKNOWN_ARG;
+       }
+     }
+     else {
+       var_len = strlen(arg_p->ar_var_label);
+       var_str = arg_p->ar_var_label;
+     }
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAND) {
+       /* print the mandatory argument desc */
+       len = 1 + var_len;
+       prefix = " ";
+       postfix = "";
+     }
+     else if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAYBE) {
+       /* print the maybe argument desc */
+       len = 2 + var_len + 1;
+       prefix = " [";
+       postfix = "]";
+     }
+     else {
+       /* handle options with arguments */
+       /* " [" + short_prefix + char */
+       len = 2 + SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH + 1;
+       prefix = " [";
+       /* do we need to wrap */
+       if (col_c + len > SCREEN_WIDTH) {
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "\n%*.*s",
+                      (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, "");
+        col_c = USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH;
+        /* if we are the start of a line, skip any starting spaces */
+        if (*prefix == ' ') {
+          prefix++;
+          len--;
+        }
+       }
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s%s%c",
+                    prefix, SHORT_PREFIX, arg_p->ar_short_arg);
+       col_c += len;
+       len = 1 + var_len + 1;
+       prefix = " ";
+       postfix = "]";
+     }
+     if (col_c + len > SCREEN_WIDTH) {
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "\n%*.*s",
+                    (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, "");
+       col_c = USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH;
+       /* if we are the start of a line, skip any starting spaces */
+       if (*prefix == ' ') {
+        prefix++;
+        len--;
+       }
+     }
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s%s%s", prefix, var_str, postfix);
+     col_c += len;
+   }
+   (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "\n");
+   if (flag == GLOBAL_USAGE_SHORTREM)
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse the '%s%s' argument for more assistance.\n",
+                  (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, USAGE_ARG);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Display an argument type while keeping track of COL_C.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    display_arg(FILE *stream, const argv_t *arg_p, const int max,
+                            int *col_c)
+ {
+   int  var_len, len;
+   if (arg_p->ar_var_label == NULL)
+     var_len = 0;
+   else
+     var_len = strlen(arg_p->ar_var_label);
+   switch (ARGV_TYPE(arg_p->ar_type)) {
+   case ARGV_BOOL:
+   case ARGV_BOOL_NEG:
+   case ARGV_INCR:
+     break;
+   case ARGV_BOOL_ARG:
+     (void)fprintf(stream, "%s", BOOL_ARG_LABEL);
+     (*col_c) += BOOL_ARG_LENGTH;
+     break;
+   case ARGV_CHAR:
+   case ARGV_CHARP:
+   case ARGV_FLOAT:
+   case ARGV_SHORT:
+   case ARGV_INT:
+   case ARGV_U_INT:
+   case ARGV_LONG:
+   case ARGV_U_LONG:
+   case ARGV_BIN:
+   case ARGV_OCT:
+   case ARGV_HEX:
+     if (arg_p->ar_var_label == NULL) {
+       len = max - *col_c;
+       (void)fprintf(stream, "%-.*s", len, UNKNOWN_ARG);
+       *col_c += MIN(len, UNKNOWN_ARG_LENGTH);
+     }
+     else {
+       len = max - *col_c;
+       (void)fprintf(stream, "%-.*s", len, arg_p->ar_var_label);
+       *col_c += MIN(len, var_len);
+     }
+     break;
+   }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Display an option entry ARG_P to STREAM while counting COL_C.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    display_option(FILE *stream, const argv_t *arg_p, int *col_c)
+ {
+   if (stream == NULL)
+     return;
+   (void)fputc('[', stream);
+   (*col_c)++;
+   /* arg maybe does not have a -? preface */
+   if (arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_MAYBE) {
+     (void)fprintf(stream, "%s%c",
+                  SHORT_PREFIX, arg_p->ar_short_arg);
+     *col_c += SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH + 1;
+     if (HAS_ARG(arg_p->ar_type)) {
+       /* display optional argument */
+       (void)fputc(' ', stream);
+       (*col_c)++;
+     }
+   }
+   display_arg(stream, arg_p, LONG_COLUMN - 1, col_c);
+   (void)fputc(']', stream);
+   (*col_c)++;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Print a long-format usage message.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    usage_long(const argv_t *args)
+ {
+   const argv_t *arg_p;
+   int          col_c, len;
+   if (argv_error_stream == NULL)
+     return;
+   /* print the usage message header */
+   (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s%s\n", USAGE_LABEL, argv_program);
+   /* run through the argument structure */
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++) {
+     /* skip or specifiers */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_OR || arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_XOR)
+       continue;
+     /* indent to the short-option col_c */
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%*.*s", SHORT_COLUMN, SHORT_COLUMN, "");
+     /* start column counter */
+     col_c = SHORT_COLUMN;
+     /* print the short-arg stuff if there */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == NULLC) {
+       (void)fputc('[', argv_error_stream);
+       col_c++;
+     }
+     else {
+       if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAND)
+        display_arg(argv_error_stream, arg_p, COMMENT_COLUMN, &col_c);
+       else
+        display_option(argv_error_stream, arg_p, &col_c);
+       /* put the long-option message on the correct column */
+       if (col_c < LONG_COLUMN) {
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%*.*s",
+                      LONG_COLUMN - col_c, LONG_COLUMN - col_c, "");
+        col_c = LONG_COLUMN;
+       }
+     }
+     /* print the long-option message */
+     if (arg_p->ar_long_arg != NULL) {
+       len = COMMENT_COLUMN - col_c - (LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH + 1);
+       if (arg_p->ar_short_arg != NULLC) {
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s", LONG_LABEL);
+        col_c += LONG_LABEL_LENGTH;
+        len -= LONG_LABEL_LENGTH;
+       }
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s%-.*s",
+                    LONG_PREFIX, len, arg_p->ar_long_arg);
+       col_c += LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH + MIN(len, strlen(arg_p->ar_long_arg));
+     }
+     /* add the optional argument if no short-arg */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == NULLC) {
+       if (HAS_ARG(arg_p->ar_type)) {
+        (void)fputc(' ', argv_error_stream);
+        col_c++;
+       }
+       /* display any optional arguments */
+       display_arg(argv_error_stream, arg_p, COMMENT_COLUMN - 1, &col_c);
+       (void)fputc(']', argv_error_stream);
+       col_c++;
+     }
+     /* print the comment */
+     if (arg_p->ar_comment != NULL) {
+       /* put the comment message on the correct column */
+       if (col_c < COMMENT_COLUMN) {
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%*.*s",
+                      COMMENT_COLUMN - col_c,
+                      COMMENT_COLUMN - col_c, "");
+        col_c = COMMENT_COLUMN;
+       }
+       len = SCREEN_WIDTH - col_c - COMMENT_LABEL_LENGTH;
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s%-.*s",
+                    COMMENT_LABEL, len, arg_p->ar_comment);
+     }
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "\n");
+   }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Do the usage depending on FLAG.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    do_usage(const argv_t *args, const int flag)
+ {
+   if (argv_error_stream == NULL)
+     return;
+   if (flag == GLOBAL_USAGE_SEE)
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse the '%s%s' argument for assistance.\n",
+                  (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, (int)USAGE_LABEL_LENGTH, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, USAGE_ARG);
+   else if (flag == GLOBAL_USAGE_SHORT || flag == GLOBAL_USAGE_SHORTREM)
+     usage_short(args, flag);
+   else if (flag == GLOBAL_USAGE_LONG || flag == GLOBAL_USAGE_ALL)
+     usage_long(args);
+   if (flag == GLOBAL_USAGE_ALL) {
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "\n");
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse '%s%s' for default usage information.\n",
+                  SHORT_COLUMN, SHORT_COLUMN, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, USAGE_ARG);
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse '%s%s' for short usage information.\n",
+                  SHORT_COLUMN, SHORT_COLUMN, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, USAGE_SHORT_ARG);
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse '%s%s' for long usage information.\n",
+                  SHORT_COLUMN, SHORT_COLUMN, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, USAGE_LONG_ARG);
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse '%s%s' for all usage information.\n",
+                  SHORT_COLUMN, SHORT_COLUMN, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, USAGE_ALL_ARG);
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse '%s%s' to display the help message.\n",
+                  SHORT_COLUMN, SHORT_COLUMN, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, HELP_ARG);
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse '%s%s' to display the version message.\n",
+                  SHORT_COLUMN, SHORT_COLUMN, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, VERSION_ARG);
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%*.*sUse '%s%s' to display the options and their values.\n",
+                  SHORT_COLUMN, SHORT_COLUMN, "",
+                  LONG_PREFIX, DISPLAY_ARG);
+   }
+ }
+ /******************************* preprocessing *******************************/
+ /*
+  * Preprocess argument array ARGS of NUM_ARGS entries and set the MAND
+  * and MAYBE boolean arrays.  Returns [NO]ERROR.
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     preprocess_array(argv_t *args, const int num_args)
+ {
+   argv_t       *arg_p;
+   char         mand_array = ARGV_FALSE, maybe_field = ARGV_FALSE;
+   /* count the args and find the first mandatory */
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p < args + num_args; arg_p++) {
+     /* clear internal flags */
+     arg_p->ar_type &= ~ARGV_FLAG_USED;
+     /* do we have a mandatory-array? */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAND) {
+       if (mand_array) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, no ARGV_MAND's can follow a MAND or MAYBE array\n",
+                        argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+       if (maybe_field) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, no ARGV_MAND's can follow a ARGV_MAYBE\n",
+                        argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+ #if 0
+       if (arg_p->ar_long_arg != NULL) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, ARGV_MAND's should not have long-options\n",
+                        argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+ #endif
+       if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY)
+        mand_array = ARGV_TRUE;
+     }
+     /* do we have a maybe field? */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAYBE) {
+       if (mand_array) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, no ARGV_MAYBE's can follow a MAND or MAYBE array\n",
+                        argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+       maybe_field = ARGV_TRUE;
+       if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY)
+        mand_array = ARGV_TRUE;
+     }
+     /* handle initializing the argument array */
+     if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY) {
+       argv_array_t     *arrp = (argv_array_t *)arg_p->ar_variable;
+       if (! HAS_ARG(arg_p->ar_type)) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, cannot have an array of boolean values\n",
+                        argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+       if (ARGV_TYPE(arg_p->ar_type) == ARGV_INCR) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, cannot have an array of incremental values\n",
+                        argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+       arrp->aa_entryn = 0;
+     }
+ #if 0
+     /* must have a valid ar_short_arg */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == NULLC) {
+       if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                      "%s: %s, short-option character is '\\0'\n",
+                      argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+       if (argv_interactive)
+        (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+       return ERROR;
+     }
+ #endif
+     /* verify variable pointer */
+     if (arg_p->ar_variable == NULL
+        && arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_OR
+        && arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_XOR) {
+       if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                      "%s: %s, NULL variable specified in arg array\n",
+                      argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+       if (argv_interactive)
+        (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+       return ERROR;
+     }
+     /* verify [X]OR's */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_OR
+        || arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_XOR) {
+       /* that they are not at the start or end of list */
+       if (arg_p == args || arg_p >= (args + num_args - 1)) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, ARGV_[X]OR entries cannot be at start or end of array\n",
+                        argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+       /* that two aren't next to each other */
+       if ((arg_p - 1)->ar_short_arg == ARGV_OR
+          || (arg_p - 1)->ar_short_arg == ARGV_XOR) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, two ARGV_[X]OR entries cannot be next to each other\n",
+                        argv_program, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   return NOERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Translate string argument ARG into VAR depending on its TYPE.
+  * Returns [NO]ERROR.
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     translate_value(const char *arg, ARGV_PNT var,
+                                const short type)
+ {
+   argv_array_t *arr_p;
+   argv_type_t  *type_p;
+   int          val_type = ARGV_TYPE(type), size = 0;
+   /* find the type and the size for array */
+   for (type_p = argv_types; type_p->at_value != 0; type_p++)
+     if (type_p->at_value == val_type) {
+       size = type_p->at_size;
+       break;
+     }
+   if (type_p->at_value == 0) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s: illegal variable type %d\n",
+                    __FILE__, val_type);
+     return ERROR;
+   }
+   if (type & ARGV_ARRAY) {
+     arr_p = (argv_array_t *)var;
+     if (arr_p->aa_entryn == 0)
+       arr_p->aa_entries = (char *)malloc(ARRAY_INCR *size);
+     else if (arr_p->aa_entryn % ARRAY_INCR == 0)
+       arr_p->aa_entries =
+        (char *)realloc(arr_p->aa_entries, (arr_p->aa_entryn + ARRAY_INCR) *
+                        size);
+     if (arr_p->aa_entries == NULL) {
+       if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                      "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                      argv_program);
+       if (argv_interactive)
+        (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+       return ERROR;
+     }
+     var = (char *)(arr_p->aa_entries) + arr_p->aa_entryn * size;
+     arr_p->aa_entryn++;
+   }
+   /* translate depending on type */
+   switch (val_type) {
+   case ARGV_BOOL:
+     /* if no close argument, set to true */
+     if (arg == NULL)
+       *(char *)var = ARGV_TRUE;
+     else if (*(char *)arg == 't' || *(char *)arg == 'T'
+             || *(char *)arg == 'y' || *(char *)arg == 'Y'
+             || *(char *)arg == '1')
+       *(char *)var = ARGV_TRUE;
+     else
+       *(char *)var = ARGV_FALSE;
+     break;
+   case ARGV_CHAR:
+     *(char *)var = *(char *)arg;
+     break;
+   case ARGV_CHARP:
+     *(char **)var = string_copy((char *)arg);
+     if (*(char **)var == NULL)
+       return ERROR;
+     break;
+   case ARGV_FLOAT:
+     *(float *)var = (float)atof(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_SHORT:
+     *(short *)var = (short)atoi(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_INT:
+     *(int *)var = atoi(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_U_INT:
+     *(unsigned int *)var = atoi(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_LONG:
+     *(long *)var = atol(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_U_LONG:
+     *(unsigned long *)var = atol(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_BIN:
+     *(int *)var = btoi(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_OCT:
+     *(int *)var = otoi(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_HEX:
+     *(int *)var = htoi(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_BOOL_NEG:
+     /* if no close argument, set to false */
+     if (arg == NULL)
+       *(char *)var = ARGV_FALSE;
+     else if (*(char *)arg == 't' || *(char *)arg == 'T'
+             || *(char *)arg == 'y' || *(char *)arg == 'Y'
+             || *(char *)arg == '1')
+       *(char *)var = ARGV_TRUE;
+     else
+       *(char *)var = ARGV_FALSE;
+     break;
+   case ARGV_INCR:
+     /* if no close argument then increment else set the value */
+     if (arg == NULL)
+       (*(int *)var)++;
+     else
+       *(int *)var = atoi(arg);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_BOOL_ARG:
+     if (*(char *)arg == 't' || *(char *)arg == 'T'
+        || *(char *)arg == 'y' || *(char *)arg == 'Y'
+        || *(char *)arg == '1')
+       *(char *)var = ARGV_TRUE;
+     else
+       *(char *)var = ARGV_FALSE;
+     break;
+   }
+   return NOERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Translate value from VAR into string STR depending on its TYPE.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    display_value(const ARGV_PNT var, const short type)
+ {
+   int  val_type = ARGV_TYPE(type);
+   /* translate depending on type */
+   switch (val_type) {
+   case ARGV_BOOL:
+   case ARGV_BOOL_NEG:
+   case ARGV_BOOL_ARG:
+     if (*(char *)var)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "ARGV_TRUE");
+     else
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "ARGV_FALSE");
+     break;
+   case ARGV_CHAR:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "'%s'", expand_buf((char *)var, 1));
+     break;
+   case ARGV_CHARP:
+     {
+       int      len;
+       if (*(char **)var == NULL)
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "(null)");
+       else {
+        len = strlen(*(char **)var);
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "\"%s\"",
+                      expand_buf(*(char **)var, len));
+       }
+     }
+     break;
+   case ARGV_FLOAT:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%f", *(float *)var);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_SHORT:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%d", *(short *)var);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_INT:
+   case ARGV_INCR:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%d", *(int *)var);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_U_INT:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%u", *(unsigned int *)var);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_LONG:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%ld", *(long *)var);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_U_LONG:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%lu", *(unsigned long *)var);
+     break;
+     /* this should be a routine */
+   case ARGV_BIN:
+     {
+       int      bit_c;
+       char     first = ARGV_FALSE;
+       (void)fputc('0', argv_error_stream);
+       if (*(int *)var != 0) {
+        (void)fputc('b', argv_error_stream);
+        for (bit_c = sizeof(int) * BITS_IN_BYTE - 1; bit_c >= 0; bit_c--) {
+          int   bit = *(int *)var & (1 << bit_c);
+          if (bit == 0) {
+            if (first)
+              (void)fputc('0', argv_error_stream);
+          }
+          else {
+            (void)fputc('1', argv_error_stream);
+            first = ARGV_TRUE;
+          }
+        }
+       }
+     }
+     break;
+   case ARGV_OCT:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%#o", *(int *)var);
+     break;
+   case ARGV_HEX:
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%#x", *(int *)var);
+     break;
+   }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Translate value from VAR into string STR depending on its TYPE.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    display_variables(const argv_t *args)
+ {
+   const argv_t *arg_p;
+   argv_type_t  *type_p;
+   /* run through the argument structure */
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++) {
+     int                col_c, val_type = ARGV_TYPE(arg_p->ar_type);
+     /* skip or specifiers */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_OR || arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_XOR)
+       continue;
+     col_c = 0;
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAND)
+       display_arg(argv_error_stream, arg_p, COMMENT_COLUMN, &col_c);
+     else
+       display_option(argv_error_stream, arg_p, &col_c);
+     /* put the type in the correct column */
+     if (col_c < LONG_COLUMN) {
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%*.*s",
+                    LONG_COLUMN - col_c, LONG_COLUMN - col_c, "");
+       col_c = LONG_COLUMN;
+     }
+     /* find the type */
+     type_p = NULL;
+     for (type_p = argv_types; type_p->at_value != 0; type_p++) {
+       if (type_p->at_value == ARGV_TYPE(arg_p->ar_type)) {
+        int     len, tlen;
+        len = COMMENT_COLUMN - col_c - 1;
+        tlen = strlen(type_p->at_name);
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, " %-.*s", len, type_p->at_name);
+        col_c += MIN(len, tlen);
+        if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY) {
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s", ARRAY_LABEL);
+          col_c += sizeof(ARRAY_LABEL) - 1;
+        }
+        break;
+       }
+     }
+     if (col_c < COMMENT_COLUMN) {
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%*.*s",
+                    COMMENT_COLUMN - col_c, COMMENT_COLUMN - col_c, "");
+       col_c = COMMENT_COLUMN;
+     }
+     if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY) {
+       argv_array_t     *arr_p;
+       int              entry_c, size = 0;
+       /* find the type and the size for array */
+       if (type_p == NULL) {
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s: illegal variable type %d\n",
+                      __FILE__, val_type);
+        continue;
+       }
+       size = type_p->at_size;
+       arr_p = (argv_array_t *)arg_p->ar_variable;
+       if (arr_p->aa_entryn == 0)
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "no entries");
+       else {
+        for (entry_c = 0; entry_c < arr_p->aa_entryn; entry_c++) {
+          ARGV_PNT      var;
+          if (entry_c > 0)
+            (void)fputc(',', argv_error_stream);
+          var = (char *)(arr_p->aa_entries) + entry_c * size;
+          display_value(var, val_type);
+        }
+       }
+     }
+     else
+       display_value(arg_p->ar_variable, val_type);
+     (void)fputc('\n', argv_error_stream);
+   }
+ }
+ /************************** checking used arguments **************************/
+ /*
+  * Check out if WHICH argument from ARGS has an *or* specified
+  * attached to it.  Returns [NO]ERROR
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     check_or(const argv_t *args, const argv_t *which)
+ {
+   const argv_t *arg_p, *match_p = NULL;
+   /* check ORs below */
+   for (arg_p = which - 2; arg_p >= args; arg_p -= 2) {
+     if ((arg_p + 1)->ar_short_arg != ARGV_OR
+        && (arg_p + 1)->ar_short_arg != ARGV_XOR)
+       break;
+     if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED) {
+       match_p = arg_p;
+       break;
+     }
+   }
+   /* check ORs above */
+   if (match_p == NULL) {
+     /* NOTE: we assume that which is not pointing now to ARGV_LAST */
+     for (arg_p = which + 2;
+         arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST
+         && (arg_p - 1)->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST;
+         arg_p += 2) {
+       if ((arg_p - 1)->ar_short_arg != ARGV_OR
+          && (arg_p - 1)->ar_short_arg != ARGV_XOR)
+        break;
+       if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED) {
+        match_p = arg_p;
+        break;
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   /* did we not find a problem? */
+   if (match_p == NULL)
+     return NOERROR;
+   if (argv_error_stream == NULL)
+     return ERROR;
+   (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                "%s: %s, specify only one of the following:\n",
+                argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME);
+   /* little hack to print the one that matched and the one we were checking */
+   for (;;) {
+     if (match_p->ar_long_arg == NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "     %s%c\n",
+                    SHORT_PREFIX, match_p->ar_short_arg);
+     else
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "     %s%c (%s%s)\n",
+                    SHORT_PREFIX, match_p->ar_short_arg,
+                    LONG_PREFIX, match_p->ar_long_arg);
+     if (match_p == which)
+       break;
+     match_p = which;
+   }
+   return ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Find all the XOR arguments and make sure each group has at least
+  * one specified in it.  Returns [NO]ERROR.
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     check_xor(const argv_t *args)
+ {
+   const argv_t *start_p = NULL, *arg_p;
+   /* run through the list of arguments */
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++) {
+     /* only check the XORs */
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_XOR)
+       continue;
+     start_p = arg_p;
+     /*
+      * NOTE: we are guaranteed that we are on a XOR so there is
+      * something below and above...
+      */
+     if ((arg_p - 1)->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED)
+       start_p = NULL;
+     /* run through all XORs */
+     for (;;) {
+       arg_p++;
+       if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED)
+        start_p = NULL;
+       if ((arg_p + 1)->ar_short_arg != ARGV_XOR)
+        break;
+       arg_p++;
+     }
+     /* were none of the xor's filled? */
+     if (start_p != NULL)
+       break;
+   }
+   /* did we not find a problem? */
+   if (start_p == NULL)
+     return NOERROR;
+   /* arg_p points to the first XOR which failed */
+   if (argv_error_stream == NULL)
+     return ERROR;
+   (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s: %s, must specify one of:\n",
+                argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME);
+   for (arg_p = start_p;; arg_p += 2) {
+     /*
+      * NOTE: we are guaranteed that we are on a XOR so there is
+      * something below and above...
+      */
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "     %s%c",
+                  SHORT_PREFIX, (arg_p - 1)->ar_short_arg);
+     if ((arg_p - 1)->ar_long_arg != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, " (%s%s)",
+                    LONG_PREFIX, (arg_p - 1)->ar_long_arg);
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "\n");
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_XOR)
+       break;
+   }
+   return ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Check to see if any mandatory arguments left.  Returns [NO]ERROR.
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     check_mand(const argv_t *args)
+ {
+   const argv_t *arg_p;
+   int          slot_c = 0;
+   /* see if there are any mandatory args left */
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++)
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAND
+        && (! (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED))
+        && ! (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY))
+       slot_c++;
+   if (slot_c > 0) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: %s, %d more mandatory argument%s must be specified\n",
+                    argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME,
+                    slot_c, (slot_c == 1 ? "" : "s"));
+     return ERROR;
+   }
+   return NOERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Check for any missing argument options.  Returns [NO]ERROR
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     check_opt(void)
+ {
+   int  queue_c;
+   queue_c = QUEUE_COUNT();
+   if (queue_c > 0) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: %s, %d more option-argument%s must be specified\n",
+                    argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME,
+                    queue_c, (queue_c == 1 ? "" : "s"));
+     return ERROR;
+   }
+   return NOERROR;
+ }
+ /**************************** argument processing ****************************/
+ /*
+  * Read in arguments from PATH and run them from the GRID.  OKAY_P is
+  * a pointer to the boolean error marker.  Returns [NO]ERROR.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    file_args(const char *path, argv_t *grid, char *okay_p)
+ {
+   char **argv, **argv_p;
+   int  argc, max;
+   FILE *infile;
+   char line[FILE_LINE_SIZE + 1], *line_p;
+   /* open the input file */
+   infile = fopen(path, "r");
+   if (infile == NULL) {
+     *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: could not load command-line arguments from: %s\n",
+                    argv_program, path);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return;
+   }
+   /* get an array of char * */
+   argc = 0;
+   max = ARRAY_INCR;
+   argv = malloc(sizeof(char *) * max);
+   if (argv == NULL) {
+     *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+     (void)fclose(infile);
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                    argv_program);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return;
+   }
+   argv_p = argv;
+   /* read in the file lines */
+   while (fgets(line, FILE_LINE_SIZE, infile) != NULL) {
+     /* punch the \n at end of line */
+     for (line_p = line; *line_p != '\n' && *line_p != '\0'; line_p++);
+     *line_p = '\0';
+     *argv_p = string_copy(line);
+     if (*argv_p == NULL) {
+       *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+       return;
+     }
+     argv_p++;
+     argc++;
+     if (argc == max) {
+       max += ARRAY_INCR;
+       argv = realloc(argv, sizeof(char *) * max);
+       if (argv == NULL) {
+        *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+        (void)fclose(infile);
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                        argv_program);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return;
+       }
+       argv_p = argv + argc;
+     }
+   }
+   /* now do the list */
+   do_list(grid, argc, argv, okay_p);
+   /* now free up the list */
+   for (argv_p = argv; argv_p < argv + argc; argv_p++)
+     free(*argv_p);
+   free(argv);
+   (void)fclose(infile);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Process an argument in MATCH_P which looking at GRID. sets okay_p to
+  * FALSE if the argument was not okay.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    do_arg(argv_t *grid, argv_t *match_p, const char *close_p,
+                       char *okay_p)
+ {
+   if (global_multi == GLOBAL_MULTI_REJECT) {
+     /*
+      * have we used this one before?
+      * NOTE: should this be a warning or a non-error altogether?
+      */
+     if (match_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED
+        && (! (match_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY))
+        && ARGV_TYPE(match_p->ar_type) != ARGV_INCR) {
+       if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                      "%s: %s, you've already specified the '%c' argument\n",
+                      argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME,
+                      match_p->ar_short_arg);
+       *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+     }
+   }
+   /* we used this argument */
+   match_p->ar_type |= ARGV_FLAG_USED;
+   /* check arguments that must be OR'd */
+   if (check_or(grid, match_p) != NOERROR) {
+     /*
+      * don't return here else we might generate an XOR error
+      * because the argument wasn't specified
+      */
+     *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+   }
+   /*
+    * If we have a close argument, pass to translate.  If it is a
+    * boolean or increment variable, then pass in a value of null
+    * else queue it for needing a value argument.
+    */
+   if (global_close == GLOBAL_CLOSE_ENABLE && close_p != NULL) {
+     if (translate_value(close_p, match_p->ar_variable,
+                        match_p->ar_type) != NOERROR)
+       *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+   }
+   else if (! HAS_ARG(match_p->ar_type)) {
+     if (translate_value(NULL, match_p->ar_variable,
+                        match_p->ar_type) != NOERROR)
+       *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+   }
+   else if (global_close == GLOBAL_CLOSE_ENABLE && close_p != NULL) {
+     if (translate_value(close_p, match_p->ar_variable,
+                        match_p->ar_type) != NOERROR)
+       *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+   }
+   else
+     QUEUE_ENQUEUE(match_p);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Process a list of arguments ARGV and ARGV as it applies to ARGS.
+  * on NUM_ARGS members.  OKAY_P is a pointer to the boolean error
+  * marker.
+  */
+ LOCAL  void    do_list(argv_t *grid, const int argc, char **argv,
+                        char *okay_p)
+ {
+   argv_t       *grid_p, *match_p;
+   int          len, char_c, unwant_c = 0;
+   char         last_arg = ARGV_FALSE;
+   char         *close_p = NULL, **arg_p;
+   /* run throught rest of arguments */
+   for (arg_p = argv; arg_p < argv + argc; arg_p++) {
+     /* have we reached the LAST_ARG marker? */
+     if (! last_arg && strcmp(LAST_ARG, *arg_p) == 0) {
+       last_arg = ARGV_TRUE;
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* check for close equals marker */
+     if (! last_arg && global_close == GLOBAL_CLOSE_ENABLE) {
+       close_p = strchr(*arg_p, ARG_EQUALS);
+       /* if we find the special char then punch the null and set pointer */
+       if (close_p != NULL) {
+        *close_p = NULLC;
+        close_p++;
+       }
+     }
+     /* are we processing a long option? */
+     if (! last_arg && strncmp(LONG_PREFIX, *arg_p, LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH) == 0) {
+       /* get length of rest of argument */
+       len = strlen(*arg_p) - LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH;
+       /* we need more than the prefix */
+       if (len <= 0) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, empty long-option prefix '%s'\n",
+                        argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME, *arg_p);
+        *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+        continue;
+       }
+       match_p = NULL;
+       /* run though long options looking for a match */
+       for (grid_p = grid; grid_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; grid_p++) {
+        if (grid_p->ar_long_arg == NULL)
+          continue;
+        if (strncmp(*arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH,
+                    grid_p->ar_long_arg, len) == 0) {
+          if (match_p != NULL) {
+            if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+              (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                            "%s: %s, '%s' might be '%s' or '%s'\n",
+                            argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME, *arg_p,
+                            grid_p->ar_long_arg, match_p->ar_long_arg);
+            *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+            break;
+          }
+          /* record a possible match */
+          match_p = grid_p;
+          /* don't break, need to see if another one matches */
+        }
+       }
+       /* if we found a match but quit then we must have found two matches */
+       if (match_p != NULL && grid_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST)
+        continue;
+       if (match_p != NULL) {
+        (void)do_arg(grid, match_p, close_p, okay_p);
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* we did not find long-option match */
+       /* check for special file value */
+       if (strncmp(FILE_ARG, *arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH, len) == 0) {
+        if (global_close == GLOBAL_CLOSE_ENABLE && close_p != NULL) {
+          /* open the file and read in the args */
+          file_args(close_p, grid, okay_p);
+        }
+        else {
+          /* HACK: we enqueue null for the file argument */
+        }
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* check for special usage value */
+       if (strncmp(USAGE_ARG, *arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH, len) == 0) {
+        if (argv_interactive) {
+          do_usage(grid, global_usage);
+          (void)exit(0);
+        }
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* check for special short-usage value */
+       if (strncmp(USAGE_SHORT_ARG, *arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH, len) == 0) {
+        if (argv_interactive) {
+          do_usage(grid, GLOBAL_USAGE_SHORT);
+          (void)exit(0);
+        }
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* check for special long-usage value */
+       if (strncmp(USAGE_LONG_ARG, *arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH, len) == 0) {
+        if (argv_interactive) {
+          do_usage(grid, GLOBAL_USAGE_LONG);
+          (void)exit(0);
+        }
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* check for special long-usage value */
+       if (strncmp(USAGE_ALL_ARG, *arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH, len) == 0) {
+        if (argv_interactive) {
+          do_usage(grid, GLOBAL_USAGE_ALL);
+          (void)exit(0);
+        }
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* check for special help value */
+       if (strncmp(HELP_ARG, *arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH, len) == 0) {
+        if (argv_interactive) {
+          if (argv_error_stream != NULL) {
+            if (argv_help_string == NULL)
+              (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                            "%s: I'm sorry, no help is available.\n",
+                            argv_program);
+            else
+              (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s\n", argv_help_string);
+          }
+          (void)exit(0);
+        }
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* check for special version value */
+       if (strncmp(VERSION_ARG, *arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH, len) == 0) {
+        if (argv_interactive) {
+          if (argv_error_stream != NULL) {
+            if (argv_version_string == NULL)
+              (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                            "%s: no version information is available.\n",
+                            argv_program);
+            else
+              (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream, "%s\n", argv_version_string);
+          }
+          (void)exit(0);
+        }
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* check for display arguments value */
+       if (strncmp(DISPLAY_ARG, *arg_p + LONG_PREFIX_LENGTH, len) == 0) {
+        if (argv_interactive) {
+          if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+            display_variables(grid);
+          (void)exit(0);
+        }
+        continue;
+       }
+       if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+        (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                      "%s: %s, unknown long option '%s'.\n",
+                      argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME, *arg_p);
+       *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* are we processing a short option? */
+     if (! last_arg
+        && strncmp(SHORT_PREFIX, *arg_p, SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH) == 0) {
+       /* get length of rest of argument */
+       len = strlen(*arg_p) - SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH;
+       /* we need more than the prefix */
+       if (len <= 0) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: %s, empty short-option prefix '%s'\n",
+                        argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME, *arg_p);
+        *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+        continue;
+       }
+       /* run through the chars in this option */
+       for (char_c = 0; char_c < len; char_c++) {
+        /* run through the arg list looking for a match */
+        for (match_p = grid; match_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; match_p++)
+          if (match_p->ar_short_arg == (*arg_p)[SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH + char_c])
+            break;
+        /* did we not find argument? */
+        if (match_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_LAST) {
+          /* check for special usage value */
+          if ((*arg_p)[SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH + char_c] == USAGE_CHAR_ARG) {
+            if (argv_interactive) {
+              do_usage(grid, global_usage);
+              (void)exit(0);
+            }
+            continue;
+          }
+          /* create an error string */
+          if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+            (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                          "%s: %s, unknown short option '%s%c'.\n",
+                          argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME, SHORT_PREFIX,
+                          (*arg_p)[SHORT_PREFIX_LENGTH + char_c]);
+          *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+          continue;
+        }
+        do_arg(grid, match_p, close_p, okay_p);
+       }
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* could this be a value? */
+     if (grid->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST && QUEUE_COUNT() > 0) {
+       QUEUE_DEQUEUE(match_p);
+       /* HACK: is this the file argument */
+       if (match_p == NULL)
+        file_args(close_p, grid, okay_p);
+       else
+        if (translate_value(*arg_p, match_p->ar_variable,
+                            match_p->ar_type) != NOERROR)
+          *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* process mandatory args if some left to process */
+     for (grid_p = grid; grid_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; grid_p++)
+       if (grid_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAND
+          && (! (grid_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED)))
+        break;
+     if  (grid_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST) {
+       /* absorb another mand. arg */
+       if (translate_value(*arg_p, grid_p->ar_variable,
+                          grid_p->ar_type) != NOERROR)
+        *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+       if (! (grid_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY))
+        grid_p->ar_type |= ARGV_FLAG_USED;
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* process maybe args if some left to process */
+     for (grid_p = grid; grid_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; grid_p++)
+       if (grid_p->ar_short_arg == ARGV_MAYBE
+          && (! (grid_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED)))
+        break;
+     if  (grid_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST) {
+       /* absorb another maybe arg */
+       if (translate_value(*arg_p, grid_p->ar_variable,
+                          grid_p->ar_type) != NOERROR)
+        *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+       if (! (grid_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY))
+        grid_p->ar_type |= ARGV_FLAG_USED;
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* default is an error */
+     unwant_c++;
+     *okay_p = ARGV_FALSE;
+   }
+   if (unwant_c > 0 && argv_error_stream != NULL)
+     (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                  "%s: %s, %d unwanted additional argument%s\n",
+                  argv_program, USAGE_ERROR_NAME,
+                  unwant_c, (unwant_c == 1 ? "" : "s"));
+ }
+ /****************************** env processing *******************************/
+ /*
+  * Handle the args from the ENV variable.  Returns [NO]ERROR.
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     do_env_args(argv_t *args, char *okay_p)
+ {
+   int  env_c, env_n;
+   char **vect_p, env_name[256], *environ_p;
+   /* create the env variable */
+   (void)sprintf(env_name, ENVIRON_FORMAT, argv_program);
+   /* NOTE: by default the env name is all uppercase */
+   for (environ_p = env_name; *environ_p != NULLC; environ_p++)
+     if (islower((int)*environ_p))
+       *environ_p = toupper((int)*environ_p);
+   environ_p = getenv(env_name);
+   if (environ_p == NULL)
+     return NOERROR;
+   /* break the list into tokens and do the list */
+   environ_p = string_copy(environ_p);
+   if (environ_p == NULL)
+     return ERROR;
+   vect_p = vectorize(environ_p, " \t", &env_n);
+   if (vect_p != NULL) {
+     do_list(args, env_n, vect_p, okay_p);
+     /* free token list */
+     for (env_c = 0; env_c < env_n; env_c++)
+       free(vect_p[env_c]);
+     free(vect_p);
+   }
+   free(environ_p);
+   return NOERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Process the global env variable.  Returns [NO]ERROR.
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     process_env(void)
+ {
+   static char  done = ARGV_FALSE;
+   char         *environ_p, *env_p, *arg;
+   int          len;
+   /* make sure we only do this once */
+   if (done)
+     return NOERROR;
+   done = ARGV_TRUE;
+   /* get the argv information */
+   environ_p = getenv(GLOBAL_NAME);
+   if (environ_p == NULL)
+     return NOERROR;
+   /* save a copy of it */
+   environ_p = string_copy(environ_p);
+   if (environ_p == NULL)
+     return ERROR;
+   arg = environ_p;
+   for (;;) {
+     env_p = strtok(arg, " \t,:");
+     if (env_p == NULL)
+       break;
+     arg = NULL;
+     len = strlen(GLOBAL_CLOSE);
+     if (strncmp(GLOBAL_CLOSE, env_p, len) == 0) {
+       env_p += len;
+       if (strcmp(env_p, "disable") == 0)
+        global_close = GLOBAL_CLOSE_DISABLE;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "enable") == 0)
+        global_close = GLOBAL_CLOSE_ENABLE;
+       else {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: illegal env variable '%s' '%s' argument '%s'\n",
+                        __FILE__, GLOBAL_NAME, GLOBAL_CLOSE, env_p);
+       }
+       continue;
+     }
+     len = strlen(GLOBAL_ENV);
+     if (strncmp(GLOBAL_ENV, env_p, len) == 0) {
+       env_p += len;
+       if (strcmp(env_p, "none") == 0)
+        global_env = GLOBAL_ENV_NONE;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "before") == 0)
+        global_env = GLOBAL_ENV_BEFORE;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "after") == 0)
+        global_env = GLOBAL_ENV_AFTER;
+       else {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: illegal env variable '%s' '%s' argument '%s'\n",
+                        __FILE__, GLOBAL_NAME, GLOBAL_ENV, env_p);
+       }
+       continue;
+     }
+     len = strlen(GLOBAL_ERROR);
+     if (strncmp(GLOBAL_ERROR, env_p, len) == 0) {
+       env_p += len;
+       if (strcmp(env_p, "none") == 0)
+        global_error = GLOBAL_ERROR_NONE;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "see") == 0)
+        global_error = GLOBAL_ERROR_SEE;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "short") == 0)
+        global_error = GLOBAL_ERROR_SHORT;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "shortrem") == 0)
+        global_error = GLOBAL_ERROR_SHORTREM;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "long") == 0)
+        global_error = GLOBAL_ERROR_LONG;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "all") == 0)
+        global_error = GLOBAL_ERROR_ALL;
+       else {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: illegal env variable '%s' '%s' argument '%s'\n",
+                        __FILE__, GLOBAL_NAME, GLOBAL_ERROR, env_p);
+       }
+       continue;
+     }
+     len = strlen(GLOBAL_MULTI);
+     if (strncmp(GLOBAL_MULTI, env_p, len) == 0) {
+       env_p += len;
+       if (strcmp(env_p, "reject") == 0)
+        global_multi = GLOBAL_MULTI_REJECT;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "accept") == 0)
+        global_multi = GLOBAL_MULTI_ACCEPT;
+       else {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: illegal env variable '%s' '%s' argument '%s'\n",
+                        __FILE__, GLOBAL_NAME, GLOBAL_MULTI, env_p);
+       }
+       continue;
+     }
+     len = strlen(GLOBAL_USAGE);
+     if (strncmp(GLOBAL_USAGE, env_p, len) == 0) {
+       env_p += len;
+       if (strcmp(env_p, "short") == 0)
+        global_usage = GLOBAL_USAGE_SHORT;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "shortrem") == 0)
+        global_usage = GLOBAL_USAGE_SHORTREM;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "long") == 0)
+        global_usage = GLOBAL_USAGE_LONG;
+       else if (strcmp(env_p, "all") == 0)
+        global_usage = GLOBAL_USAGE_ALL;
+       else {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: illegal env variable '%s' '%s' argument '%s'\n",
+                        __FILE__, GLOBAL_NAME, GLOBAL_USAGE, env_p);
+       }
+       continue;
+     }
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: illegal env variable '%s' setting '%s'\n",
+                    __FILE__, GLOBAL_NAME, env_p);
+   }
+   free(environ_p);
+   return NOERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Processes ARGS from ARGC and ARGV.  Returns 0 if no error else -1.
+  */
+ LOCAL  int     process_args(argv_t *args, const int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+   int          num_args;
+   const char   *prog_p;
+   char         okay = ARGV_TRUE;
+   argv_t       *arg_p;
+   if (process_env() != NOERROR)
+     return ERROR;
+   if (args == NULL)
+     args = empty;
+   if (argc < 0) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: %s, argc argument to argv_process is %d\n",
+                    __FILE__, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME, argc);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return ERROR;
+   }
+   if (argv == NULL) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: %s, argv argument to argv_process is NULL\n",
+                    __FILE__, INTERNAL_ERROR_NAME);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return ERROR;
+   }
+   /* set global variables */
+   argv_argv = argv;
+   argv_argc = argc;
+   /* build the program name from the argv[0] path */
+   {
+     const char *tmp_p;
+     prog_p = *argv;
+     for (tmp_p = *argv; *tmp_p != NULLC; tmp_p++)
+       if (*tmp_p == '/')
+        prog_p = tmp_p + 1;
+   }
+   /* so we can step on the environmental space */
+   (void)strncpy(argv_program, prog_p, PROGRAM_NAME);
+   /* count the args */
+   num_args = 0;
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++)
+     num_args++;
+   /* verify the argument array */
+   if (preprocess_array(args, num_args) != NOERROR)
+     return ERROR;
+   /* allocate our value queue */
+   if (num_args > 0)
+     QUEUE_ALLOC(argv_t *, num_args);
+   /* do the env args before? */
+   if (global_env == GLOBAL_ENV_BEFORE) {
+     if (do_env_args(args, &okay) != NOERROR)
+       return ERROR;
+   }
+   /* do the external args */
+   do_list(args, argc - 1, argv + 1, &okay);
+   /* do the env args after? */
+   if (global_env == GLOBAL_ENV_AFTER) {
+     do_env_args(args, &okay);
+     if (do_env_args(args, &okay) != NOERROR)
+       return ERROR;
+   }
+   /* make sure the XOR and MAND args and argument-options are okay */
+   if (check_mand(args) != NOERROR)
+     okay = ARGV_FALSE;
+   if (check_opt() != NOERROR)
+     okay = ARGV_FALSE;
+   if (check_xor(args) != NOERROR)
+     okay = ARGV_FALSE;
+   /* if we allocated the space then free it */
+   if (num_args > 0)
+     QUEUE_FREE();
+   /* was there an error? */
+   if (! okay) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       do_usage(args, global_error);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return ERROR;
+   }
+   return NOERROR;
+ }
+ /***************************** exported routines *****************************/
+ /*
+  * Processes ARGC number of arguments from ARGV depending on argument
+  * info array ARGS (if null then an empty array is used).  This
+  * routine will not modify the argv array in any way.
+  *
+  * NOTE: it will modify the args array by setting various flags in the
+  * type field.  returns 0 if no error else -1.
+  */
+ EXPORT int     argv_process(argv_t *args, const int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+   if (! enabled)
+     argv_startup();
+   if (process_args(args, argc, argv) == NOERROR)
+     return NOERROR;
+   else
+     return ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Processes arguments sent in via the STRING that a web-server might
+  * send to program in ARG0.  Use DELIM to set up the delimiters of the
+  * arguments in the string.  query_string processing should have "&"
+  * and path_info should have "/".  You may want to add "=" if you use
+  * arg=value.  The '=' delimiter is treated as special so //x=// will
+  * strip the extra /'s in a row but will create a null argument for x.
+  *
+  * WARNING: you cannot use argv_copy_args after this is called because a
+  * temporary grid is created.  returns 0 on noerror else -1.
+  */
+ EXPORT int     argv_web_process_string(argv_t *args, const char *arg0,
+                                        const char *string,
+                                        const char *delim)
+ {
+   const char   *str_p, *delim_p, *delim_str;
+   char         *copy, *copy_p, **argv;
+   int          argc, ret, alloced;
+   if (! enabled)
+     argv_startup();
+   if (delim == NULL)
+     delim_str = "";
+   else
+     delim_str = delim;
+   /* copy incoming string so we can punch nulls */
+   copy = malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
+    if (copy == NULL) {
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                    argv_program);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return ERROR;
+   }
+   /* create argv array */
+   alloced = ARG_MALLOC_INCR;
+   argv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * alloced);
+   if (argv == NULL) {
+     free(copy);
+     if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+       (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                    "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                    argv_program);
+     if (argv_interactive)
+       (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+     return ERROR;
+   }
+   argc = 0;
+   argv[argc++] = (char *)arg0;
+   str_p = string;
+   /*  skip starting multiple arg delimiters */
+   for (; *str_p != NULLC; str_p++) {
+     for (delim_p = delim_str; *delim_p != NULLC; delim_p++)
+       if (*str_p == *delim_p)
+        break;
+     if (*delim_p == NULLC)
+       break;
+   }
+   /* start of the string is argv[1] */
+   if (*str_p != NULLC) {
+     if (argc >= alloced) {
+       alloced += ARG_MALLOC_INCR;
+       argv = (char **)realloc(argv, sizeof(char *) * alloced);
+       if (argv == NULL) {
+        free(copy);
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                        argv_program);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+     }
+     argv[argc++] = copy;
+   }
+   for (copy_p = copy;; str_p++) {
+     int                val;
+     /* are we done? */
+     if (*str_p == NULLC) {
+       *copy_p = NULLC;
+       break;
+     }
+     /* is this a argument seperator? */
+     for (delim_p = delim_str; *delim_p != NULLC; delim_p++)
+       if (*str_p == *delim_p)
+        break;
+     if (*delim_p != NULLC) {
+       *copy_p++ = NULLC;
+       /*
+        * look ahead and skip multiple arg delimiters.  we have a
+        * special case if the delimiter is '='.  This means that we
+        * need to generate a null string argument.
+        */
+       if (*str_p != '=') {
+        for (;; str_p++) {
+          for (delim_p = delim_str; *delim_p != NULLC; delim_p++)
+            if (*(str_p + 1) == *delim_p)
+              break;
+          if (*delim_p == NULLC)
+            break;
+        }
+       }
+       /* if we are not at the end of the string, create a new arg */
+       if (*str_p == '=' || *(str_p + 1) != NULLC) {
+        if (argc >= alloced) {
+          alloced += ARG_MALLOC_INCR;
+          argv = (char **)realloc(argv, sizeof(char *) * alloced);
+          if (argv == NULL) {
+            if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+              (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                            "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                            argv_program);
+            if (argv_interactive)
+              (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+            return ERROR;
+          }
+        }
+        argv[argc++] = copy_p;
+       }
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* a space */
+     if (*str_p == '+') {
+       *copy_p++ = ' ';
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* no binary character, than it is normal */
+     if (*str_p != '%') {
+       *copy_p++ = *str_p;
+       continue;
+     }
+     str_p++;
+     if (*str_p >= 'a' && *str_p <= 'f')
+       val = 10 + *str_p - 'a';
+     else if (*str_p >= 'A' && *str_p <= 'F')
+       val = 10 + *str_p - 'A';
+     else if (*str_p >= '0' && *str_p <= '9')
+       val = *str_p - '0';
+     else
+       continue;
+     str_p++;
+     if (*str_p >= 'a' && *str_p <= 'f')
+       val = val * 16 + (10 + *str_p - 'a');
+     else if (*str_p >= 'A' && *str_p <= 'F')
+       val = val * 16 + (10 + *str_p - 'A');
+     else if (*str_p >= '0' && *str_p <= '9')
+       val = val * 16 + (*str_p - '0');
+     else
+       str_p--;
+     *copy_p++ = (char)val;
+   }
+   ret = process_args(args, argc, argv);
+   free(copy);
+   free(argv);
+   if (ret == NOERROR)
+     return NOERROR;
+   else
+     return ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Processes arguments sent in via the QUERY_STRING environmental
+  * variable that a web-server might send to program in ARG0.  Returns
+  * 0 on noerror else -1.
+  */
+ EXPORT int     argv_web_process(argv_t *args, const char *arg0)
+ {
+   char *env, *work = NULL;
+   int  ret, len;
+   if (! enabled)
+     argv_startup();
+   env = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
+   if (env != NULL && strcmp(env, "POST") == 0) {
+     env = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
+     if (env != NULL) {
+       len = atoi(env);
+       if (len > 0) {
+        work = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
+        if (work == NULL) {
+          if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+            (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                          "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                          argv_program);
+          if (argv_interactive)
+            (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+          return ERROR;
+        }
+        (void)read(STDIN, work, len);
+        work[len] = NULLC;
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   if (work == NULL) {
+     env = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
+     /* if it is not set or empty, then nothing to do */
+     if (env == NULL || *env == NULLC) {
+       work = (char *)malloc(1);
+       if (work == NULL) {
+        if (argv_error_stream != NULL)
+          (void)fprintf(argv_error_stream,
+                        "%s: memory error during argument processing\n",
+                        argv_program);
+        if (argv_interactive)
+          (void)exit(EXIT_CODE);
+        return ERROR;
+       }
+       work[0] = NULLC;
+     }
+     else {
+       work = string_copy(env);
+       if (work == NULL)
+        return ERROR;
+     }
+   }
+   ret = argv_web_process_string(args, arg0, work, "&=");
+   free(work);
+   if (ret == NOERROR)
+     return NOERROR;
+   else
+     return ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Print the standard usage messages for argument array ARGS (if null
+  * then an empty array is used).  WHICH chooses between long or short
+  * messages (see argv.h).
+  *
+  * NOTE: if this is called before argv_process then the program name may
+  * be messed up.
+  */
+ EXPORT int     argv_usage(const argv_t *args, const int which)
+ {
+   if (! enabled)
+     argv_startup();
+   if (process_env() != NOERROR)
+     return ERROR;
+   if (args == NULL)
+     args = empty;
+   if (which == ARGV_USAGE_SHORT)
+     usage_short(args, 0);
+   else if (which == ARGV_USAGE_LONG)
+     usage_long(args);
+   else
+     /* default/env settings */
+     do_usage(args, global_usage);
+   return NOERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+  * See if ARG argument was used in a previous call to argv_process on
+  * ARGS.  Returns 1 if yes else 0.
+  */
+ EXPORT int     argv_was_used(const argv_t *args, const char arg)
+ {
+   const argv_t *arg_p;
+   if (! enabled)
+     argv_startup();
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++)
+     if (arg_p->ar_short_arg == arg) {
+       if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED)
+        return 1;
+       else
+        return 0;
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Frees up any allocations in ARGS that may have been done by
+  * argv_process.  This should be done at the end of the program or
+  * after all the arguments have been referenced.
+  */
+ EXPORT void    argv_cleanup(const argv_t *args)
+ {
+   const argv_t *arg_p;
+   int          entry_c;
+   if (! enabled)
+     argv_startup();
+   if (args == NULL)
+     return;
+   /* run through the argument structure */
+   for (arg_p = args; arg_p->ar_short_arg != ARGV_LAST; arg_p++) {
+     /* handle any arrays */
+     if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_ARRAY) {
+       argv_array_t     *arr_p = (argv_array_t *)arg_p->ar_variable;
+       /* free any entries */
+       if (arr_p->aa_entryn > 0) {
+        if (ARGV_TYPE(arg_p->ar_type) == ARGV_CHARP) {
+          for (entry_c = 0; entry_c < arr_p->aa_entryn; entry_c++)
+            free(ARGV_ARRAY_ENTRY(*arr_p, char *, entry_c));
+        }
+        free(arr_p->aa_entries);
+       }
+       arr_p->aa_entries = NULL;
+       arr_p->aa_entryn = 0;
+       continue;
+     }
+     /* handle individual charps */
+     if (arg_p->ar_type & ARGV_FLAG_USED
+        && ARGV_TYPE(arg_p->ar_type) == ARGV_CHARP) {
+       free(*(char **)arg_p->ar_variable);
+       continue;
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Copy all the args (after the 0th), one after the other, into BUF of
+  * MAX_SIZE.  Returns 0 on no error else -1.
+  *
+  * NOTE: you can get the 0th argument from argv_argv[0].
+  */
+ EXPORT int     argv_copy_args(char *buf, const int max_size)
+ {
+   char **argv_p, *buf_p = buf, *arg_p;
+   int  argc, size_c = max_size;
+   if (! enabled)
+     argv_startup();
+   if (process_env() != NOERROR)
+     return ERROR;
+   if (max_size == 0)
+     return NOERROR;
+   *buf_p = NULLC;
+   if (argv_argv == NULL || max_size == 1)
+     return NOERROR;
+   for (argv_p = argv_argv + 1, argc = 1; argc < argv_argc; argv_p++, argc++) {
+     if (size_c < 2)
+       break;
+     if (argv_p > argv_argv + 1) {
+       *buf_p++ = ' ';
+       size_c--;
+     }
+     for (arg_p = *argv_p; *arg_p != NULLC && size_c >= 2; size_c--)
+       *buf_p++ = *arg_p++;
+   }
+   *buf_p = NULLC;
+   return NOERROR;
+ }

CVSTrac 2.0.1