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ossp - Check-in [1820]
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Check-in Number: 1820
Date: 2002-Feb-07 09:59:44 (local)
2002-Feb-07 08:59:44 (UTC)
Comment: throw out a bunch of obsolete stuff
ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/fixme.h      1.12 -> 1.13     3 inserted, 33 deleted

ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/fixme.h 1.12 -> 1.13

--- fixme.h      2002/02/05 10:42:39     1.12
+++ fixme.h      2002/02/07 08:59:44     1.13
@@ -6,23 +6,20 @@
 #define __FIXME_H__
 #include <val.h>
-/*FIXME obsolete #define MAXACLS 32 */
 #include <sa.h>
 struct acl {
     char      *acl;
     int        not;
-    sa_addr_t *saa;
     size_t     prefixlen;
+    sa_addr_t *saa;
 struct nntp_st;
 typedef struct nntp_st nntp_t;
 #include "lmtp2nntp_nntp.h"
 struct ns {
-    /*FIXME obsolete char           *h;    * host */
-    /*FIXME obsolete char           *p;    * port */
-    sa_addr_t      *saa;  /* socket address abstraction */
-    sa_t           *sa;   /* socket abstraction */
+    sa_addr_t      *saa;
+    sa_t           *sa;
     nntp_t         *nntp;
     nntp_rc_t       rc;
     l2_channel_t   *l2;
@@ -36,7 +33,6 @@
     l2_context_t    ctx;
     val_t          *val;
     char           *progname;
-    /*FIXME obsolete char           *option_logfile; */
     int             option_groupmode;
     int             option_operationmode;
     char           *option_operationmodefakestatus;
@@ -52,52 +48,26 @@
     int             option_timeout_nntp_write;
     char           *option_mailfrom;
     char           *option_restrictheader;
-    /*FIXME obsolete unsigned int    option_levelmask; */
     char           *option_pidfile;
     int             option_killflag;
     uid_t           option_uid;
     int             option_daemon;
-    /*
-    int             option_aclc;
-    struct acl      option_acl[MAXACLS];
-    FIXME replaced by following */
     int             nacl; /* number of acl structures found at pacl */
     struct acl     *pacl; /* pointer to an array of acl structures */
-    /*FIXME obsolete int             option_veryverbose; */
     int             option_childsmax;
     int             active_childs;
     l2_env_t       *l2_env;
     l2_channel_t   *l2;
-    /*
-    sa_addr_t      *saaAltio;
-    sa_t           *saAltio;
-    FIXME replaced by following */
     sa_addr_t      *saaServerbind;
     sa_t           *saServerbind;
-    /*FIXME obsolete char           *cpBindh; */
-    /*FIXME obsolete char           *cpBindp; */
-    /*
-    sa_addr_t      *saaBind;
-    sa_t           *saBind;
-    FIXME replaced by following */
     sa_addr_t      *saaClientbind;
     sa_t           *saClientbind;
     sa_addr_t      *saaIO;
     sa_t           *saIO;
     int             fdIOi;
     int             fdIOo;
-    /*
-    int             nsc;
-    struct ns       ns[MAXNEWSSERVICES];
-    FIXME replaced by following */
     int             nns; /* number of ns structures found at pns */
     struct ns      *pns; /* pointer to an array of ns structures */
     char           *azGroupargs;
     size_t          asGroupargs;
     struct          session session;

CVSTrac 2.0.1