*** /dev/null Sat Nov 23 01:32:35 2024
--- - Sat Nov 23 01:32:56 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,517 ----
+ ## ____ _
+ ## ___| _ \ ___ _ __| |
+ ## / _ \ |_) / _ \ '__| |
+ ## | __/ __/ __/ | | |
+ ## \___|_| \___|_| |_|
+ ##
+ ## ePerl -- Embedded Perl 5 Language
+ ##
+ ## ePerl interprets an ASCII file bristled with Perl 5 program statements
+ ## by evaluating the Perl 5 code while passing through the plain ASCII
+ ## data. It can operate both as a standard Unix filter for general file
+ ## generation tasks and as a powerful Webserver scripting language for
+ ## dynamic HTML page programming.
+ ##
+ ## ======================================================================
+ ##
+ ## Copyright (c) 1996,1997 Ralf S. Engelschall, All rights reserved.
+ ##
+ ## This program is free software; it may be redistributed and/or modified
+ ## only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General
+ ## Public License, which may be found in the ePerl source distribution.
+ ## Look at the files ARTISTIC and COPYING or run ``eperl -l'' to receive
+ ## a built-in copy of both license files.
+ ##
+ ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ## Artistic License or the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ##
+ ## ======================================================================
+ ##
+ ## ePerl.pm -- Fast emulated Embedded Perl (ePerl) facility
+ ##
+ package Apache::ePerl;
+ # requirements and runtime behaviour
+ require 5.00325;
+ use strict;
+ use vars qw($VERSION);
+ use vars qw($nDone $nOk $nFail $Cache $Config);
+ # imports
+ use Carp;
+ use Apache ();
+ use Apache::Debug;
+ use Apache::Constants qw(:common OPT_EXECCGI);
+ use FileHandle ();
+ use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+ use Parse::ePerl;
+ # private version number
+ $VERSION = do { my @v=("2.3.0"=~/\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d"x$#v,@v };
+ # globals
+ $nDone = 0;
+ $nOk = 0;
+ $nFail = 0;
+ $Cache = {};
+ # configuration
+ $Config = {
+ 'BeginDelimiter' => '<?',
+ 'EndDelimiter' => '!>',
+ 'CaseDelimiters' => 0,
+ 'ConvertEntities' => 1
+ };
+ #
+ # send HTML error page
+ #
+ sub send_errorpage {
+ my ($r, $e, $stderr) = @_;
+ $r->content_type('text/html');
+ $r->send_http_header;
+ $r->print(
+ "<html>\n" .
+ "<head>\n" .
+ "<title>Apache::ePerl: Error</title>\n" .
+ "</head>\n" .
+ "<body bgcolor=\"#d0d0d0\">\n" .
+ "<blockquote>\n" .
+ "<h1>Apache::ePerl</h1>\n" .
+ "<b>Version $VERSION</b>\n" .
+ "<p>\n" .
+ "<table bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 border=0>\n" .
+ "<tr>\n" .
+ "<td bgcolor=\"#b0b0d0\">\n" .
+ "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica\"><b>ERROR:</b></font>\n" .
+ "</td>\n" .
+ "</tr>\n" .
+ "<tr>\n" .
+ "<td>\n" .
+ "<h2><font color=\"#3333cc\">$e</font></h2>\n" .
+ "</td>\n" .
+ "</tr>\n" .
+ "</table>\n" .
+ "<p>\n" .
+ "<table bgcolor=\"#e0e0e0\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 border=0>\n" .
+ "<tr>\n" .
+ "<td bgcolor=\"#c0c0c0\">\n" .
+ "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica\"><b>Contents of STDERR channel:</b></font>\n" .
+ "</td>\n" .
+ "</tr>\n" .
+ "<tr>\n" .
+ "<td>\n" .
+ "<pre>$stderr</pre>\n" .
+ "</td>\n" .
+ "</tr>\n" .
+ "</table>\n" .
+ "</blockquote>\n" .
+ "</body>\n" .
+ "</html>\n"
+ );
+ $r->log_reason("Apache::ePerl: $e", $r->filename);
+ }
+ #
+ # helping functions to create time strings
+ #
+ sub ctime {
+ my ($time) = @_;
+ my @dow = ( 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' );
+ my @moy = ( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+ 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' );
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
+ localtime($time);
+ my ($str) = sprintf("%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %s%s",
+ $dow[$wday], $moy[$mon], $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $year+1900,
+ $isdst ? " DST" : "");
+ return $str;
+ }
+ sub isotime {
+ my ($time) = @_;
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
+ localtime($time);
+ my ($str) = sprintf("%02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d",
+ $mday, $mon+1, $year+1900, $hour, $min);
+ return $str;
+ }
+ #
+ # the mod_perl handler
+ #
+ sub handler {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my ($filename, $data, $error, $fh);
+ my (%env, $rc, $mtime, $owner, $size, $header, $key, $value, $path, $dir, $file, @S);
+ # statistic
+ $nDone++;
+ # create an request object for Apache::Registory-based
+ # scripts like newer CGI.pm versions
+ Apache->request($r);
+ # import filename from Apache API
+ $filename = $r->filename;
+ # check for invalid filename
+ if (-d $filename) {
+ $r->log_reason("Apache::ePerl: Attempt to invoke directory as ePerl script", $filename);
+ return FORBIDDEN;
+ }
+ if (not (-f _ and -s _)) {
+ $r->log_reason("Apache::ePerl: File not exists, not readable or empty", $filename);
+ return NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ # check if we are allowed to use ePerl
+ if (not ($r->allow_options & OPT_EXECCGI)) {
+ $r->log_reason("Apache::ePerl: Option ExecCGI is off in this directory", $filename);
+ return FORBIDDEN;
+ }
+ # determine script file information
+ @S = stat(_);
+ $size = $S[7];
+ $mtime = $S[9];
+ $owner = (getpwuid($S[4]))[0] || 'UNKNOWN';
+ # check cache for existing P-code
+ if (not ( $Cache->{$filename}
+ and $Cache->{$filename}->{CODE}
+ and $Cache->{$filename}->{SIZE} == $size
+ and $Cache->{$filename}->{MTIME} == $mtime
+ and $Cache->{$filename}->{OWNER} eq $owner)) {
+ # read script
+ local ($/) = undef;
+ $fh = new FileHandle $filename;
+ $data = <$fh>;
+ $fh->close;
+ # run the preprocessor over the script
+ if (not Parse::ePerl::Preprocess({
+ Script => $data,
+ Cwd => dirname($filename),
+ Result => \$data
+ })) {
+ &send_errorpage($r, 'Error on preprocessing script', '');
+ $nFail++;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ # translate the script from bristled
+ # ePerl format to plain Perl format
+ if (not Parse::ePerl::Translate({
+ Script => $data,
+ BeginDelimiter => $Config->{'BeginDelimiter'},
+ EndDelimiter => $Config->{'EndDelimiter'},
+ CaseDelimiters => $Config->{'CaseDelimiters'},
+ ConvertEntities => $Config->{'ConvertEntities'},
+ Result => \$data
+ })) {
+ &send_errorpage($r, 'Error on translating script from bristled to plain format', '');
+ $nFail++;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ # precompile the source into P-code
+ $error = '';
+ if (not Parse::ePerl::Precompile({
+ Script => $data,
+ Name => $filename,
+ Cwd => dirname($filename),
+ Result => \$data,
+ Error => \$error
+ })) {
+ &send_errorpage($r, 'Error on precompiling script from plain format to P-code', $error);
+ $nFail++;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ # set the new results
+ $Cache->{$filename} = {};
+ $Cache->{$filename}->{CODE} = $data;
+ $Cache->{$filename}->{SIZE} = $size;
+ $Cache->{$filename}->{MTIME} = $mtime;
+ $Cache->{$filename}->{OWNER} = $owner;
+ }
+ # retrieve precompiled script from cache
+ $data = $Cache->{$filename}->{CODE};
+ # create runtime environment
+ %env = $r->cgi_env;
+ $env{'VERSION_LANGUAGE'} = "Perl/$]";
+ $path = 'http://';
+ $path .= $r->server->server_hostname;
+ $path .= sprintf(':%d', $r->server->port) if ($r->server->port != 80);
+ $path .= $r->uri;
+ ($dir, $file) = ($path =~ m|^(.*/)([^/]*)$|);
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_URL'} = $path;
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_URL_DIR'} = $dir;
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_URL_FILE'} = $file;
+ $path = $filename;
+ ($dir, $file) = ($path =~ m|^(.*/)([^/]*)$|);
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_PATH'} = $path;
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_PATH_DIR'} = $dir;
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_PATH_FILE'} = $file;
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_MODIFIED'} = sprintf("%d", $mtime);
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_MODIFIED_CTIME'} = &ctime($mtime);
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_MODIFIED_ISOTIME'} = &isotime($mtime);
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_SIZE'} = sprintf("%d", $size);
+ $env{'SCRIPT_SRC_OWNER'} = $owner;
+ # evaluate script
+ if (not Parse::ePerl::Evaluate({
+ Script => $data,
+ Name => $filename,
+ Cwd => dirname($filename),
+ ENV => \%env,
+ Result => \$data,
+ Error => \$error
+ })) {
+ &send_errorpage($r, 'Error on evaluating script from P-code', $error);
+ $nFail++;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ # generate headers
+ if ($data =~ m|^([A-Za-z0-9-]+:\s.+?\n\n)(.*)$|s) {
+ ($header, $data) = ($1, $2);
+ $r->content_type('text/html');
+ $r->cgi_header_out('Content-Length', sprintf("%d", length($data)));
+ while ($header =~ m|^([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\s+(.+?)\n(.*)$|s) {
+ ($key, $value, $header) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ if ($key =~ m|^Content-Type$|i) {
+ $r->content_type($value);
+ }
+ else {
+ $r->cgi_header_out($key, $value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $r->content_type('text/html');
+ $r->cgi_header_out('Content-Length', sprintf("%d", length($data)));
+ }
+ # send resulting page
+ $r->send_http_header;
+ $r->print($data) if (not $r->header_only);
+ # statistic
+ $nOk++;
+ # make Apache API happy ;_)
+ return OK;
+ }
+ #
+ # optional Apache::Status information
+ #
+ Apache::Status->menu_item(
+ 'ePerl' => 'Apache::ePerl status',
+ sub {
+ my ($r, $q) = @_;
+ my (@s, $cs, $cn, $e);
+ push(@s, "<b>Status Information about Apache::ePerl</b><br>");
+ push(@s, "Versions: Apache::ePerl <b>$VERSION</b>, Parse::ePerl <b>$Parse::ePerl::VERSION</b>");
+ push(@s, "<p>\n");
+ push(@s, "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=1>\n");
+ push(@s, "<tr>\n");
+ push(@s, "<td align=center bgcolor=\"#ccccff\" colspan=2><b>Runtime Statistic</b></td>");
+ push(@s, "</tr>\n");
+ push(@s, "<tr>\n");
+ push(@s, "<td align=right>Interpreted Documents:</td> <td><b>$nDone</b> (<b>$nOk</b> ok, <b>$nFail</b> failed)</td>");
+ push(@s, "</tr>\n");
+ $cs = 0;
+ $cn = 0;
+ foreach $e (keys(%{$Cache})) {
+ $cn += 1;
+ $cs += $Cache->{$e}->{SIZE};
+ }
+ push(@s, "<tr>\n");
+ push(@s, "<td align=right>Cached Documents:</td> <td><b>$cn</b> (<b>$cs</b> bytes)</td>\n");
+ push(@s, "</tr>\n");
+ push(@s, "</table>\n");
+ return \@s;
+ }
+ ) if Apache->module('Apache::Status');
+ # sometimes Perl wants it...
+ sub DESTROY { };
+ 1;
+ ##EOF##
+ __END__
+ =head1 NAME
+ Apache::ePerl - Fast emulated Embedded Perl (ePerl) facility
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # Apache's httpd.conf file
+ # mandatory: activation of Apache::ePerl
+ PerlModule Apache::ePerl
+ <Directory /root/of/webmaster/area>
+ <Files *.iphtml>
+ Options +ExecCGI
+ SetHandler perl-script
+ PerlHandler Apache::ePerl
+ </Files>
+ </Directory>
+ # optional: configuration of Apache::ePerl
+ <Perl>
+ $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'BeginDelimiter'} = '<?';
+ $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'EndDelimiter'} = '!>';
+ $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'CaseDelimiters'} = 0;
+ $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'ConvertEntities'} = 1;
+ </Perl>
+ # optional: activation of Apache::Status for Apache::ePerl
+ <Location /perl-status>
+ Options +ExecCGI
+ SetHandler perl-script
+ PerlHandler Apache::Status
+ </Location>
+ This packages provides a handler function for Apache/mod_perl which can be
+ used to emulate the stand-alone Server-Side-Scripting-Language I<ePerl> (see
+ eperl(3) for more details) in a very fast way. This is not a real 100%
+ replacement for F<nph-eperl> because of reduced functionality under some
+ special cases, principal runtime restrictions and speedup decisions. For
+ instance this variant does not (and cannot) provide the SetUID feature of
+ ePerl nor does it check for allowed filename extensions (speedup!), etc.
+ Instead it uses further features like object caching which ePerl does not use.
+ But the accepted bristled source file format is exactly the same as with the
+ regular ePerl facility, because Apache::ePerl uses the Parse::ePerl package
+ which provides the original ePerl parser and translator. So, any valid ePerl
+ which works under F<nph-eperl> can also be used under Apache::ePerl.
+ The intent is to use this special variant of ePerl for scripts which are
+ directly under control of the webmaster. In this situation no real security
+ problems exists for him, because all risk is at his own hands. For the average
+ user you should B<not> use Apache::ePerl. Instead additionally install the
+ regular stand-alone ePerl facility (F<nph-eperl>) for those users.
+ So, the advantage of Apache::ePerl against the regular F<nph-eperl> is better
+ performance and nothing else. Actually scripts executed under Apache::ePerl
+ are at least twice as fast as under F<nph-eperl>. The reason its not that
+ ePerl itself is faster. The reason is the runtime in-core environment of
+ Apache/mod_perl which does not have any forking overhead.
+ =head2 Installation and Configuration
+ First you have to install Apache::ePerl so that Apache/mod_perl can find it.
+ This is usually done via configuring the ePerl distribution via the same Perl
+ interpreter as was used when building Apache/mod_perl.
+ Second, you have to add the following config snippet to Apache's F<httpd.conf>
+ file:
+ PerlModule Apache::ePerl
+ <Directory /root/of/webmaster/area>
+ <Files *.iphtml>
+ Options +ExecCGI
+ SetHandler perl-script
+ PerlHandler Apache::ePerl
+ </Files>
+ </Directory>
+ This forces all files under the directory /root/of/webmaster/area/ with
+ extension .iphtml to be processed by the Apache::ePerl::handler function which
+ emulates the runtime behavior of the stand-alone "eperl" program (when run as
+ a SSSL) up to 90%.
+ If you're not paranoid about security (for instance driving a stand-alone
+ webserver without user accounts) you can also just use
+ PerlModule Apache::ePerl
+ <Files *.iphtml>
+ SetHandler perl-script
+ PerlHandler Apache::ePerl
+ </Files>
+ which enables .iphtml files everywhere.
+ Third, when you want to change the defaults of the ePerl parser, you also can
+ add something like this to the end of the snippet above.
+ <Perl>
+ $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'BeginDelimiter'} = '<?';
+ $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'EndDelimiter'} = '!>';
+ $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'CaseDelimiters'} = 0;
+ $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'ConvertEntities'} = 1;
+ </Perl>
+ Fourth, you can additionally enable the mod_perl runtime status which then
+ automatically enables an Apache::ePerl status handler:
+ <Location /perl-status>
+ Options +ExecCGI
+ SetHandler perl-script
+ PerlHandler Apache::Status
+ </Location>
+ This enables the URL C</perl-status> in general and the URL
+ C</perl-status?ePerl> in special. Use it to see how much scripts where run and
+ how much are still cached.
+ =head1 AUTHOR
+ Ralf S. Engelschall
+ rse@engelschall.com
+ www.engelschall.com
+ =head1 HISTORY
+ Apache::ePerl was first implemented by Mark Imbriaco E<lt>mark@itribe.netE<gt>
+ in December 1996 as a plain Perl module after he has seen the original ePerl
+ from Ralf S. Engelschall. It implemented the ePerl idea, but was not
+ compatible to the original ePerl. In May 1997 Hanno Mueller
+ E<lt>hmueller@kabel.deE<gt> has taken over the maintainance from Mark I. and
+ enhanced Apache::ePerl by adding caching for P-Code, adding the missing
+ C<chdir> stuff, etc.
+ Nearly at the same time Ralf S. Engelschall was unhappy of the old
+ Apache::ePerl from Mark I. and already started to write this version (the one
+ you are current reading its POD). He has rewritten the complete module from
+ scratch, but incorporated the P-Code caching idea and the Apache::Status usage
+ from Hanno M.'s version. The big difference between this one and Mark I.'s or
+ Hanno M.'s versions are that this version makes use of the new Parse::ePerl
+ module which itself incorporates the original ePerl parser. So this version
+ is more compliant to the original ePerl facility.
+ =head1 SEE ALSO
+ Parse::ePerl(3)
+ Web-References:
+ Perl: perl(1), http://www.perl.com/
+ ePerl: eperl(1), http://www.engelschall.com/sw/eperl/
+ mod_perl: mod_perl(1), http://perl.apache.org/
+ Apache: httpd(7), http://www.apache.org/
+ =cut
+ ##EOF##