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ossp - Check-in [1702]
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Check-in Number: 1702
Date: 2002-Jan-30 13:34:41 (local)
2002-Jan-30 12:34:41 (UTC)
Comment: be correct and mention version number of Pth
ossp-pkg/ex/ex.pod      1.14 -> 1.15     4 inserted, 4 deleted

ossp-pkg/ex/ex.pod 1.14 -> 1.15

--- ex.pod       2002/01/30 12:28:37     1.14
+++ ex.pod       2002/01/30 12:34:41     1.15
@@ -334,14 +334,14 @@
 There are two issues: which machine context to use and where to
 store the exception context to make sure exception throwing happens
 only within a thread and does not conflict with the regular thread
-dispatching. Here are two examples:
 =head2 GNU pth
 Using B<OSSP ex> with B<GNU pth> is straight-forward, because B<GNU pth>
-already has support for B<OSSP ex> built-in. All which is needed is that
-B<GNU pth> is configured with the Autoconf option C<--with-ex>. Then
-each thread has its own B<OSSP ex> exception context.
+1.5 (or higher) already has support for B<OSSP ex> built-in. All which
+is needed is that B<GNU pth> is configured with the Autoconf option
+C<--with-ex>. Then each thread has its own B<OSSP ex> exception context.
 =head2 POSIX pthreads

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