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ossp - Check-in [1240]
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Check-in Number: 1240
Date: 2001-Oct-31 21:27:27 (local)
2001-Oct-31 20:27:27 (UTC)
Comment: fix result code list to reflect recend changes
ossp-pkg/sa/sa.pod      1.15 -> 1.16     11 inserted, 5 deleted

ossp-pkg/sa/sa.pod 1.15 -> 1.16

--- sa.pod       2001/10/31 12:41:53     1.15
+++ sa.pod       2001/10/31 20:27:27     1.16
@@ -184,11 +184,17 @@
 =item B<sa_rc_t> (Return Code Type)
 This is an exported enumerated integer type with the following possible
-values: C<SA_OK> (everything ok, operation succeeded); C<SA_ERR_ARG>
-(invalid argument(s) passed to function); C<SA_ERR_USE> (function used
-in wrong context); C<SA_ERR_MEM> (out of memory); C<SA_ERR_EOF> (end of
-file/socket in communication); C<SA_ERR_SYS> (operating system error;
-errno contains details); C<SA_ERR_INT> (any other internal error).
+ SA_OK       Everything Ok
+ SA_ERR_ARG  Invalid Argument
+ SA_ERR_USE  Invalid Use Or Context
+ SA_ERR_MEM  Not Enough Memory
+ SA_ERR_MTC  Matching Failed
+ SA_ERR_EOF  End Of Communication
+ SA_ERR_TMT  Communication Timeout
+ SA_ERR_SYS  Operating System Error (see errno)
+ SA_ERR_INT  Internal Error
 =item B<sa_addr_t> (Socket Address Abstraction Type)

CVSTrac 2.0.1